[32] A Chaotic Christmas?

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*Your POV*

Christmas Day, a day of celebration that usually starts following a massive dinner with plenty of food and drink that knocks everyone out from a food coma or the effects of alcohol, followed by waking up at various times throughout the morning, opening gifts around a lit fireplace or Christmas tree, and another feast of a dinner to finish the festivities.

Since there wasn't a really big scheduled event for the day after Christmas this year, you were ready to be lazy in bed until later in the morning, and then make food in the afternoon for the girls who had wanted a party among themselves. The interior of the house had been decorated already, the tree was up in the living room, and some of the members had gone ahead and made snowmen outside of the dorm building yesterday.

While you were laying in bed watching cooking videos in preparation for the party later in the day, you were suddenly interrupted by a knock at your door.

*knock knock* "Hey Y/N? Are you awake?" You heard Sana ask from the hallway.

"Nope, definitely not awake." You replied jokingly.

"Liar~" She said in a sing-song way as she opened the door and peeked in. "Guests are coming over soon, so can you help us get decorations up?"

"Guests? I thought the party tonight was just us?" You asked, confused.

"No, I'm pretty sure the calendar said we were inviting our friends from other girl groups." She told you.

"What are you talking about?" You asked again, this time actually going to look at the calendar app. Where the event for the private party should have been, there was a massive event marked off with a bunch of invitees attached to it. "Huh? I swear this wasn't here yesterday. Did you change it?"

"Check the event. It's been like that since the beginning of the month. Are you okay?" Sana asked with concern in her voice.

"Sana, is Y/N awak- Oh, morning, Y/N." Momo asked as she walked into your room, wondering what was taking her so long.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I think... Just give me a few minutes to get changed and I'll be out." You replied unconvincingly as you got out of the comfort of your covers.

'Either I completely missed something, or this is some elaborate prank they're pulling on me.' You thought as you got changed into some jeans and a sweatshirt. After giving yourself a couple of light face slaps to wake up, you headed out into the living room.

"Y/N! Can you help me pin these banners up?" Dahyun asked, straining on a step ladder.

"Yeah, I gotchu." You walked over to hold up one of the ends. "Why did they give the short person the high-reaching job?"

"Yah! I'm not short!" Dahyun jokingly yelled at you, throwing her end of the banner at you before immediately retrieving it. As she spent the next minute or so faffing around with the clear tape, you looked around the living room to see what everyone was doing. Mina and Jihyo were working on decorating the window with some of those gel window decals and strands of tinsel, Sana and Momo were moving some furniture around to make more room around the couch, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung were putting up Christmas lights along the walls, and Tzuyu was organising the kitchen to make room supposedly for all of the food.

"Okay, oppa. We have 2 more to hang up over there." Dahyun told you as she took the banners and tape to the other side of the room.

"Sounds like a plan." You replied as you held up the next banner for Dahyun to tape. "A question for the room. Is there anything I need to go and get for this party?" You asked everyone.

"We ordered barbecue meat from that grocery place. That should be ready at 3. The pick-up sheet is on the fridge" Jihyo told you.

"Noted, anything else?"

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