[49] Earning Your Stripes

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*Your POV*

Safe today, your first proper mission as an airman was an eventful one. After leaving your position with Bravo Company temporarily, you and Echo Company stayed busy with the loading and transportation of the residents, which had taken you to fairly late into the afternoon. By the time the fully-loaded helicopter took off for the emergency shelter in Sokcho, the natural light had diminished significantly, almost to complete darkness.

"Bravo, good work out there. Glad you were there to help us." Echo Leader thanked you from the next seat over.

"Glad I could be of some help, sir." You nodded back.

"Once we land, I think we'll be okay from there. You'll be relieved of your duties with us, so I want you to go seek out your squad leader."

"Yes, sir."

The rest of the flight was fairly quiet, apart from the constant buzzing of the rotors, so you took the time to finally relax a little bit. Like everyone that had been working hard all day, you were tired, wet, cold, and filthy from spending all day in the rain and treading through the mud. Unfortunately, sitting down and nodding off really wasn't an option for you, because you knew that once you landed, the job would start back up again immediately.

When you landed, the parking lot that would usually be filled with trucks and buses that were waiting for a ferry, was now filled with military vehicles, ranging from helicopters to transport trucks. Unfortunately for everyone, the rain hadn't let up at all throughout the day, and when the doors opened, the sound of rain hitting the metal and pavement rang throughout the air.

"Okay, everyone. Please wait until the fasten seatbelt lights turn off before leaving your seats. Your luggage may have moved in the compartments above you, so take care when you retrieve your luggage. And please make sure you have all of your personal belongings with you when you disembark." You joked by mimicking a flight attendant announcement, which seemed to get some much needed chuckles.

With everyone slowly walking over to the building, you could make out the artificial lights out by the street, where newscasters from various news outlets were filming their pieces for the evening news. As you were walking behind the group of people from your helicopter, you couldn't help but feel bad about the whole situation.

These people had lost their lives and homes in one day and were walking into a building, entirely uncertain about their futures. Some of these people had lived up in those mountains for generations, and now they were being filmed for media consumption and not met with the compassion they needed from loved ones in the comfort of their own privacy.

With a shake of the head, you continued walking towards the building, taking glances around and taking in the sight. Even in the dark, you could see in the sky that the rain probably wouldn't let up any time soon, but you could make out the various people working in the terrible conditions. Technicians working on the various helicopters with their tools and flashlights, and some red cross volunteers running back and forth from a delivery truck that was parked by the front doors. You also saw a very familiar man walking in your direction.

"Welcome back." Ilhoon greeted you and the people from the helicopter. "Go and get a new set of uniforms inside. You're filthy."

"Good to see you too, sir." You chuckled lightly. "How did things go?"

"So far, everything has been pretty smooth sailing. No major injuries of any sort, and there hasn't been an issue with space. This terminal is huge."

"That's a plus, at least. Where's everyone else?"

"Pilots are on break, the medics are in the medbay."

"Right, I'll make my way over there, then."

"Hold on, Corporal." Ilhoon stopped you in your tracks. "I know that must have been a tough decision going against a parent like that. But all things considered, you did a great thing today. I'm proud to call you one of my men." He commended you, patting your slightly soggy shoulder.

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