[33] The Celebrity Medic

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*Your POV*

New Years had long come and gone, and the TWICE girls were still on their winter vacation. You had just recently been given the all-clear from the doctors to return to work, albeit still not at full capacity, but that meant moving back into the dorm building again with the chaos of the 9 hyperenergetic members.

You were currently in your car on the way back to the dorm building with plenty of take-out as dinner for everyone, and excited to return to normalcy. Until now, you had been in and out of the dorm throughout the day just to make sure the girls were doing alright, but still hadn't returned to actually living full-time at the dorm.

As you pulled into your parking space at the dorm, everything started to feel like things were going back to normal after so long; Mina was back and better than ever, the group hadn't had any problems that you were told of during your absence, and most importantly, the building hadn't burned down because of the girls.

"Ah, good to see a familiar face around these parts." The security guard greeted you as you entered the lobby of the dorm building.

"Good afternoon, sir. Good to be back." You returned with a handshake.

"You have some packages that got delivered while you were away. I have them back here for you if you would like."

"That would be perfect."

After getting a couple of small parcels, you headed to the elevators and where the dorm was. Typically if the girls were home, you would be able to hear them as soon as the lift doors opened. But today, to your surprise, was eerily quiet in the halls.

'Huh, they don't have schedules right now...' You thought as you approached the door and unlocked it. After hearing the door unlock, you walked into the very familiar living room to find that there was no one in the living room or kitchen areas. Figuring they were out, you walked over to the fridge to store the take-out food so everyone could eat it later.

While you were making room in the fridge, you heard the distinct pitter-patter of bare feet coming from the stairs. Due to previous experiences, you were on edge whenever things like this happened, but your fears were soon quelled when you saw a familiar face round the corner.

"Who the- WAAAAHHH!" Chaeyoung screamed in terror, not realising who you were.

"Wh- Chae! Chae! It's just me!" You shouted, trying to get her attention over her fear.

"H-huh? Oppa!? Why'd you do that?" Chaeyoung asked you in a shout before running towards you.

"Surprise...?" You hesitantly said, throwing out some slow jazz hands.

"Rude! Uncalled for! Pabo!" Chaeyoung kept slapping your chest in frustration.

"Mianhae, Mianhae! The last thing I wanted to do was scare you." You pleaded through the onslaught of the slaps. "Would some char siu pork cheer you up?"

"Yes, yes it would." Chaeyoung humphed before grabbing a box and running away to the living room.

"Umm, did you want rice with that?" You asked.

"...Maybe." Chaeyoung muttered as she walked back to the kitchen, with Mina coming down the stairs after her.

"Welcome back!" Mina greeted you with her airy voice and smile.

"Hiya, you aren't going to slap me like Chae right?" You chuckled while handing Mina her portion of lunch.

"Is that what that scream was about? I was worried it was a bug or something." Mina admitted, sitting down at the counter. "So, are you back living with us now?" She asked, pointing at the suitcase by the door.

One In A Million | TWICE x Original Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now