[Ending 11] A Rekindled Flame

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A/N: we return to the outside of the JYPe office building. Now, both this and the next ending will include the process of buying the phone, but what happens leading up to and inside the store will be different for each ending.


*Your POV*

*sigh* 'Right, well things just got a lot more complicated...' You thought as you stood outside the office building of your old employer. Things were going so well, starting with the surprise release from service, to getting the train connection absolutely perfect, then it all went downhill at the old dorm building and finally ending with its not-so-graceful ending at the reception counter of the JYPe building.

So you stood there, in the rather cold February evening, refocusing yourself as best as you could. You were a rational person, and had gone through struggles like this before, you could do it again as long as you could get your mind in the right place. All you had to do was actually calm down and rack your mind around exactly what you needed to focus on.

First things first, you needed to get back into the swing of things and one thing to fix that was to get your phone back up and running again. Thankfully, you knew of a cellphone store just down the road from the JYP office where you had gone before for company business related to tablets and cellphones. So with that in mind, you pulled out of the parking garage at the office and out onto the evening streets of Seoul.

Since it was late February, there was still the occasional patch of snow lining the sides of the street in the shade, right in that awkward phase between a proper winter and spring. The weather was the perfect environment for the infamous seasonal depression, and you could see that the mood of the general public out walking was much the same, with a distinct lack of smiles. And after everything that had happened today, you were starting to feel yourself succumb to it as well.

But as your mood was slowly dropping, you saw the store you were looking for come into view. And once you found a suitable parking space on the street nearby, you reluctantly stepped out of your heated car and out into the cold February air on a mission. Immediately, you were missing the comfort of the heated interior, and especially as you waited for the crosswalk lights to change, but before too long, you made your way quickly across the street and into the store.

"Welcome! How can I help you?" The attendant behind the counter greeted you as you walked in.

"Hi. I'm here to reactivate my cellphone." You walked in, holding your phone in your hand.

"Right, well we can get that sorted for you. If you could fill this form out for me, that would be great." She said handing you a sheet of paper on a clipboard.

'Paperwork... Did not miss this...' You thought as you took the paper and began filling it out. Thankfully for you, it was basic information like your name and date of birth, cellphone number, reasons for visiting, and so on. So you managed to fill the sheet fairly quickly before handing it back to her along with your phone.

"Were you thinking of upgrading your device?" She asked, starting her sales pitch.

"Maybe not today, unless it really is necessary."

"Okay, not a problem at all. Let me get everything set up for you." She conceded quickly, skimming through the paper and fidgeting with your phone behind the counter.

"Happy early birthday, by the way." She suddenly said from behind the counter.


"I saw on the sheet that it was your birthday tomorrow."

"Oh, well thank you." You returned, not quite sure what to say.

'Oh shoot, that means it's Wendy's birthday today.' You thought, making a mental note to wish her happy birthday and give her her annual teasing.

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