[51] The Long Awaited Return

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A/N: Very important author's note at the end of the chapter. Please make sure you read it!


*Your POV*

Seasons came and went. The BTS boys finished their 2 weeks with you without issues, and life was pretty stagnant afterwards. This boredom was not helped by the 233 being put fully into a reserve role on base. With all of your equipment going under a big refurbishment project and putting all of you essentially out of a job, your barracks was significantly more quiet and spacious.

After Junho had left for the Coast Guard, Hyungwon was next and he had left the base and military entirely since he finished his enlistment. Following him was Ilhoon, who also left to go live with his fiancee in Seoul. And lastly, Sungjin had gone home, which for him was literally only a few minutes away from base. That meant you and Hyunjin were left alone in the barracks to perform your military obligations.

While you had really gone to a purely instructional role, Hyunjin had gone a different route, helping out "Tech" during all of the refurbishment works as he was now very familiar with all of the equipment he had been using for the last year and a bit.

With this newfound peace and quiet, you were really starting to feel the isolation affecting your brain. Similarly to how TWICE was, having the rest of Bravo Company around everyday was a much-needed form of chaos and human interaction. But with them gone, the daily pattern of teaching and boredom was starting to get stale, and it was starting to show, with your face starting to look more weathered and just generally tired.

Today was no different, with you teaching a theory class in the morning and way too much free time after lunch. Meanwhile, Hyunjin had the complete opposite schedule with him busy from lunch onwards. Just like every day recently, you and Hyunjin spent lunch in the mess hall just talking to try and take your minds off of the boredom.

"Books again, hyung?" Hyunjin asked, pointing at the training manuals you had with you on the table.

"Got out of class late, and couldn't be bothered to take them back." You deadpanned, munching on a spoonful of rice. "Reminds me too much of uni."

"I remember those days." Hyunjin reminisced. "Remember Professor Xi's human biology textbooks?"

"What, the ones that weighed as much as a car and as big as one?"

"That's the one!"

After a few moments of quiet eating, you continued. "Hey. Does it feel weird how quiet it's gotten around here? Like, there's only a handful of us from the 233rd still left."

"You aren't wrong." He agreed. "But, if my maths is correct, I think our enlistment time is pretty much done."

"Hmm..." You wondered, not having really thought about it before.

Suddenly, the two of you were interrupted by the sound of a mess tray being placed on the table next to your textbooks. Looking up, it was your superior Captain Hanyeol who was about to begin eating his own lunch. "Gentlemen, mind if I join you?"

"N-not at all, sir!" You quickly gathered your books and moved them to the other side of you.

After sitting down and taking his first bites, he resumed the conversation between the three of you. "Certainly is quiet around here, isn't it?"

"We were just talking about that before you arrived, Captain. But yes, it's strangely empty now." Hyunjin told him.

"Captain, if you don't mind me asking. What is going to happen to the 233rd? Because from our point of view, they're phasing us out completely. Bravo Company doesn't have a squad leader or any pilots left." You asked.

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