[4] The First Night

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*Your POV*

After your heart to heart with Mina and Sana, you stood up with a genuine smile on your face, and walked towards the kitchen. "Are you all hungry? I can make something real quick for everyone." You ask to the void that was the dorm, followed by multiple door opening and footsteps reverberating through the dorm.

First person to speak up was Momo, who immediately ran into the kitchen with an excited look on her face. "Food!? Yes please!" She said, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yah! Calm down Momoring." Nayeon playfully chopped Momo's head, causing her to pout.

"Calm down you two, I'll cook so you all just wait up for a bit, 'kay?" As they nod, another voice asked from the other side of the kitchen counter. "Can I help?" Turning around, you saw Jeongyeon shyly standing alone behind the counter.

"Alright, come on over here." You waved for her, which she happily walked over next to you. "Jeong, what do we have in the fridge?" You asked.

With a slight blush on her face, she turned to the fridge and started rummaging around. After a minute or so, she came back with a pile of take-out containers in her arms.

"W-what is all this?" You asked, taking the top half of the stack from her.

"Umm, well we don't have a lot of time to cook, so we order out a lot." She embarrassingly told you.

"A-alright, umm.. Can you lay out everything you have on the counter over there?" You ask, pointing at the kitchen counter.

After Jeongyeon lays out everything, you take inventory of the contents of the tupperwares in front of you. Samgyeopsal, Ttekbokki, Naengmyeon, Samgyetang, and Pajeon boxes lined the countertop.

"Hmmm... It might just be easier to reheat everything..." You admit in defeat, seeing not much else in the fridge.

"I'll get started on the microwave, then." Jeongyeon stated, grabbing the first of many containers.

"Soooo~ What's for food~?" Momo sauntered over, propping her chin on your shoulder.

"Huh? Oh hi Momo. Just leftovers, unfortunately. Although I can get groceries tomorrow while you're all on schedule." You tell her, causing her to slightly pout but accept the situation, since food was involved.

As the third tupperware was heated up, Jihyo walked into the kitchen, smelling the reheated food. "Food time?" She asked you, to which you just responded with a nod. Immediately, Jeongyeon and Momo covered their ears, and Jeongyeon motioned you to do the same. Once everyone in the room was protected, she screamed out to the rest. "HEY, COME GET YOUR FOOD!"

"Good God, I felt that in my bones." You shudder out, hand holding your chest in surprise.

"You get used to it." Jeongyeon told you plainly.

After a couple of minutes, everybody was seated around the living room with their plate filled with a variety of leftovers, some more than others, namely Momo. With everybody munching away, all of the leftovers were consumed to its entirety.

When everybody was satisfied, they each stood up and placed their dishes in the sink, before going about their business again. Before everybody was out of earshot, you reminded everyone about their scheduled Vlive in a couple of hours, a reminder that was met with a chorus of yesses.

Since you were the last to finish eating, you walked over to the sink and looked at the stack of dishes in it. Sighing, you went ahead and ran the tap, grabbing the sponge that was sitting on the rim of the sink.

"Oppa, I'll do the dishes." A voice called out to you. Turning around, you saw Chaeyoung with her sleeves rolled up, ready to go.

"You sure Chaeng?" You asked her, Chaeyoung responding with a nod. Letting her, you stepped aside, instead grabbing a packet of instant coffee from one of the cabinets. As Chaeyoung continued washing the dishes and you just sipped your coffee, she tried to make small conversation with you to pass the time. "Hey Y/N-oppa, do you want to talk about earlier?"

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