Strike Two

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The past few days were filled with tension and paranoia. Rogue attacks have happened before, but none where the enemy managed to elude patrol. With the Luna gone to meet with the Council, Damon was being run ragged. I barely saw him or anyone else lately. Now that it's winter break none of my friends are in town. I'm regretting not taking up Taylor's offer to go stay at her parent's mountain cabin. One can only use sleep to cease boredom for so many hours. Currently, I laid on my back reading House Rules.

"Dani," Alyx sang entering my room. "Wanna go out?"

I rolled over onto my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows."Isn't a bit dangerous? The roads are covered in snow."

She shrugged. "Only the neighborhood roads, but our roads are clear."

"No thanks." As bored as I was, I didn't wasn't really in the mood for shopping which was always on Alyx's mind.

"Please," she begged. "I know you're bored here, and this is my only day off from patrol. We could have a spa day, my treat."

Now that would be nice."Wait, Damon said we could only leave the territory for necessary reasons."

Although there was no longer an immediate threat, I was being guarded as if I was the president. If I ever wanted to leave the territory, two men built like boulders were to follow me around. They were stealthier and better trained to handle rogues than Luke, James, or Matthew, but it made me feel self conscious. They blended in with a crowd, but I felt that they were hovering over me.

"But this is necessary. Every girl needs a chance to unwind and a spa day is the perfect way. We won't need to tell Damon because we can sneak out and sneak back in before anyone notices." She checked her phone. "This is perfect. In about ten minutes, everyone will be switching shifts. If we leave now, we should be able to get through with little to no problem. Damon has meetings till 6:30 pm and we'll be back before then. Before you ask, nothing bad is going to happen. I'm captain of the scouts. My nose can sniff out any rogue."

"It's still a risk, Alyx. Would you get in trouble?"

"Stop with all the what ifs. Let's just go have a girl's day. As long as we stay in a public place I doubt anything will happen."

"I guess it can't hurt to get some fresh air."

"That's the spirit. I'll meet you downstairs in five minutes."

True to her word, Alyx managed to sneak us out without anyone noticing. She went all out for our spa day. Massages, facials, and a mani- pedi. I've never felt so relaxed in my life. The message relieved the tension in my muscles, and the facial made my skin feel smooth and rejuvenated. Alyx had gone off to get her eyebrows threaded leaving me to get my nails done.

"Funny seeing you around."

I looked up from the magazine and saw the girl who had asked for directions.

"It's Dani, right. I'm Jocelyn." She took a seat in the large leather chair beside me. She slid off her boots and placed her feet in the warm tub and the foot of the chair. "Guess we both had the same idea for a spa day. It's good to pamper yourself every once in a while. So, are you here by yourself?"

"I actually came with a friend. We've had a stressful week and this was her idea."

"Same, except my friend didn't want to come. She's the one who I was going to meet that day. Apparently spending time with her boyfriend is more important that spending time with her friend. Is that you friend over there?" Jocelyn pointed to Alyx who was on the phone, but it didn't seem like a pleasant conversation. She angrily hung up and walked over.

"Dani, we need to-," she paused when her eyes landed on Jocelyn. I noticed her hands ball into fists. "We need to go."

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"We just need to go." She grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the chair. I barely grabbed my shoes as pulled me toward the exit.

"Bye, Dani," Jocelyn called, smiling. "I hope we see each other again."

Alyx dragged me to the car, the icy pavement nipped at the soles of my bare feet. She kept checking over her shoulder as if she was expecting someone to jump out and attack.

"Alyx, tell me what's going on?" I asked as she sped out of the parking lot. She ignored my question, and increased her speed. The car wove through traffic earning a chorus of angry horns.

"Alyx!" I gripped the seat for dear life as she swerved to avoid getting t-boned by on truck. "Slow down, before you kill us."

"I smelt a rogue." She growled.

"What? Who?" I questioned.

"That girl you were talking to. She's the one who blew up Mr. Grey's house. Her scent isn't hard to forget. She reeks of blood and death."

"Jocelyn did that?" I couldn't believe it. Both times I met her, she didn't have a malicious aura.

"Who was on the phone?" I asked.

"My idiot brother. He realized we were gone and threatened to tell Damon if I didn't bring you back immediately, Ugh, I'm going to be in so much trouble when we get back."

She skidded to a stop in front of the pack house. "Come on, we've got to tell Damon. If I'm lucky, he won't kill me for letting a rogue get close to you."

Alyx ran into the house with me a few strides behind. Running through the snow is not easy.

"I don't care if she is your mate, she can't stay here!" Alyx snapped. "Trash isn't allowed."

I ran to the main room and saw Alyx and Issac inches apart. Issac was taller, but that didn't intimidate Alyx.

"You get to stay here," Issac replied smugly.

Alyx grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Don't test me you little piece of shit. I have power you don't, and I will make your life a living hell."

"Get your hands off my mate."

My eyes widened at the person who entered the room. She saw me and smiled.

"Hello, Dani."


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