Full Moon Festival

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I was a little nervous moving into the pack house---more like estate. The place was huge. I guess when you have the money and titles, you don't waste a cent to ensure luxury. The idea of living with werewolves didn't bother me; it was who I was living with. While Mr. Grey's manor was quiet and serene, the pack house reminded me of a corporate office. There were always people coming and leaving.

"Good morning, Luna," a maid said. She bowed her head as I walked past.

"Um....good morning?" I replied. I still wasn't used to being referred to as Luna, but Damon said it was respectful for lower rank wolves to refer to those higher up by their proper titles.

After getting lost a few times, I finally found the dinning room. Luke, James, and Alyx were seated at the far end of the dark cherry wood table in deep discussion.

"Morning, Dani," Alyx chirped. "So what do you think of the pack house?"

"It's really big," I replied. "How do you keep from getting lost?"

"A pack house has to have enough capacity to house the important diplomats and pack members for meeting," James explained.

"Hey, Stiff, can you take the stick out of your ass and talk like a normal person," Alyx jeered.

Luke stifled a laugh while James glared. So it wasn't just Damon she picked on. Anyone was fair game.

"I wonder what would happen if Damon learned you were the cause of the kitchen explosion." James said smirking. "That would be your third strike which means you would be banned from the fesitival."

"You wouldn't," Alyx gasped.

"I might let it slip during the today's meeting."

"I forgot that cup had a metal lid. What do you want me to do, beg?"

"It might work."

Dramatically Alyx fell to her knees and clasped her hands, interweaving her fingers. "Please, big brother by three minutes," she pleaded. "Please don't tell Damon. This will ruin my chances of going to the festival. It's the only thing I look forward to every month."

"Wait, what festival?" I asked.

Alyx looked at me as if I had grown a second head. "You haven't heard? Why do you think the Omegas have been decorating the house? The Full Moon Fesitval is a celebration that honors the Moon Goddess, a.k.a the mother of the wolves, a.k.a the original Luna. Neighboring packs come together to participate in a hunt to see who can bring back the biggest sacrifice for the Goddess. The tradition still carries on strong, but games have been added to entertain the kids. It's the only chance mixed breeds, like myself, get to transform into our animal form."

"So, the whole phasing during a full moon thing is true?"

"It has nothing to do with the moon. That's just a story ignorant humans created. No offense, Dani. In truth it's all the Moon Goddess. She awakens the spirits of all her children so that they can celebrate."

"So, you and James aren't full werewolves?"

"Well, I'm not, but just by a quarter. The prick over there is a full wolf."


"Wolf genes work weird. Our mom is a pure wolf, but our dad is only half wolf. Human genetics say we should both be three quarter wolf, but it's all about family lineage. How pure is the family blood? How old is the family line? Then there's legends of the Goddess' blessing. It's basically a long boring history that only people like James give a damn about."

James glared. "Have you forgotten that I'm still have influence over if you can even participate in the festival?"

"I'm our best scout," Alyx pointed out. "Without me, our team doesn't stand a chance of winning."

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