Good News, Bad News

490 27 1

Damon's P.O.V

I stared at the map hoping to find some sort of answer to where my mate was. Scouts had been searching for hours and could only pick up small traces of Dani's, Alyx's, and Issac's scents.

I glanced out the window watching droplets of water bang against the glass. The downpour decreased the chance of finding the rogues with every passing second.

The door opened and Kat walked in carrying two mugs. She was looking better than a few hours ago. Her eyes were still red and puffy, but they were no longer held a lost look.

"It's getting late, so I thought I'd bring you something." she said placing the steaming mug in front of me. She smiled softly. "It's coffee. One cream, two sugars, right?"

"Yeah, thanks." I turned my attention back to the map.

Kat took the seat beside me. She wrapped her hands around her mug and lightly tapped the side. "Have you heard anything?"

Of course I haven't. If I knew where she was, I wouldn't be sitting here.

"Nothing," I sighed.

She glanced down at the contents of her cup. "Is there anything I can do?"


"What about the search team?"

I scoffed. "Not a chance."

"Why not?" she whined.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it has to due with the fact that you're pregnant. I've never met a pack this lethal, and I'm not taking any unnecessary risk."

"I've dealt with rogues before."

I rubbed my face in frustration. "You don't know the territory. You would be going into battle blind."


I slammed my hand on the table. "You aren't going. End of discussion."

Before she could argue back, there was a sharp knock on the door. A soldier walked in and immediately went to the map.

"Alpha, we've got a lead."

I shot up from my seat. "Where?"

"We tracked the scent to an older part of the downtown area." He drew a large circle on the map. "There are several old factories and abandoned warehouses located there, but we couldn't get close enough to get an exact location."

"That's good enough. Have units one and two meet at the southern border. We head out in ten minutes."

"Yes, sir." He left, and Kat got up to follow. I caught her wrist, and she glared.

"Do I have to lock you in a cell?" I questioned, irritated. "You are to stay here."

She snatched her wrist from my grasp. "I heard you the first time, idiot. I'm going to my room." She walked out, but I didn't trust her. I need to make sure a guard is stationed with her before I leave.

I got to the bottom step and paused. Something uncomfortable was digging into my side. As quick as it came it was gone. I brushed it off. Maybe I just got stiff from sitting too long. Suddenly the same pain was in my arm, but this one was worse. It was as if someone was dragging a knife down my arm. I gritted my teeth as the pain spread to my stomach. What the hell is going on?


I looked up and saw Matthew standing a few feet away with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The pain had subsided to a dull throb. "What's wrong?"

"Luke was just admitted into the infirmary. He complained about a pain in his side, and then he collapsed."

I followed Matthew down to the infirmary. Luke was on one of the beds. His hands were clenched into tight fist, so tight that the skin around his knuckles threatened to break. He would occasionally have a muscle spasm and howl in pain.

I looked over at the doctor who was scribbling rapidly on her clipboard. "What's wrong with him?"

She pressed her lips into a thin straight line. "He's in pain and his tests came back negative. I can only think of one thing that would cause this."

"Don't say it," Luke hissed through gritted teeth.

"Luke, the chances that your mate-."

"She's not dead! This pain has nothing to do with her."

My knees suddenly buckled, and I grabbed the side table to support myself. The damn pain was back and it was tens times worse than before.

"Alpha, are you alright?" the doctor asked.

"I'm fine," I hissed. I balled my hands into fists as another wave of pain passed. "What were you saying about Alyx?"

"She thinks Alyx is dead," Luke replied shaking his head. "She thinks my symptoms are similar to Alpha Markovic. I refuse to-." He grabbed his chest and his eyes widened.


"I...I can't."

"Say something, man."

"She's gone. The connection is gone. I can't feel Alyx."

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