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It's not everyday you find out your boyfriend is a werewolf. It's also not the norm to be adopted by a werewolf. I'm a human living in a house of werewolves.

"They're Omegas," Damon explained on the ride to school.

"So like slaves?" I asked.

"Not quite. Packs function on a hierarchy. The order goes Alpha, Beta, Elders, Warriors, Scouts, Subordinates, and Omegas. The Omegas usually act as servants, and the respect they receive differs per pack. Some don't have the rank of Omegas, others work their way up the ladder, and others are scapegoats and punching bags for the rest of the pack."

"Why do they stay at Mr. Grey's home?"

"Not all of them live there. Some live in the pack house. Others board with pack members nearby."

"How do your friends rank?"

"James is my Beta. Once his father retires, Luke will be the General, and Issac will be his second in command. Matthew and Alyx are both scouts and are fighting for who will lead, and who will follow."

We pulled into the school's parking lot, and I ducked my head as I noticed people staring. Maybe it wasn't smart to ride with the most popular guy in school. Damon and I've been dating secretly for a month. Rumors were flying around that we were a couple, but it no one could prove it.

"Everyone's staring," I hissed pulling my hair in front of my face.

"Oh yeah, I've never noticed."


"Relax, Little Fish. Everyone is going to find out eventually."

"You won't be embarrassed by me?"

He took my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. "I'll prove it." He got out of the car, and after a deep breath, I followed. Immediately, I could feel the intense stares and glares of my peers. At the trunk of the car, Damon suddenly leaned in and kissed me.

"Now it's official," he chuckled in my ear.

I stood there, red faced. Of all the places, he chooses a parking lot full of people.

"You're adorable when you blush," he whispered.

"Idiot," I snapped and slapped his arm. "Why would you do that?"

"I said I would prove myself, didn't I? I was also proving a point to someone."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Prove a point to who?

"Werewolves are very territorial," he explained. "Any male I deemed a threat now knows that you are taken."

My eyes narrowed. "Are you picking who I can hang out with?"

He laughed. "Simmer down, Little Fish. I'm just warning you that by nature, I'm possessive."

"Well, you're just going to have to deal with it," I said crossing my arms.

Suddenly my back was against the lockers. I flinched as Damon's hands crashed down on either side of my face.

"Are you challenging me, Little Fish?" His eyes were dark, but there was a hint of amusement. "I like this feisty side of you."

"Let's keep the PDA to a PG level people."

Damon sighed and pulled away. Alyx stood a few feet away smirking with her hands on her hips.

"Can we keep our hormones in check, you two?"

"You're one to talk," Damon muttered. "I heard you and Luke from the basement."

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