First Immpressions

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Chapter 2: First Impressions

"I put money in your bag. Here are your keys. Don't forget to go to the office as soon as you get there. Did I forget anything?" Harriet moved around the foyer making sure I had everything. She handed me my school blazer and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Hurry off now, or you'll be late."

I smiled at her motherly attitude. She fussed over me like I was a child, but I kind of enjoyed the attention. The other staff members were just as friendly, except for Joseph, one of the butlers. He was more of a hermit. I had yet to meet Mr. Grey.

School was only a few blocks from Mr. Grey's manor. Harriet offered to let me drive one of the cars, but I politely declined making up the excuse that the fresh air will help calm my nerves.

My palms felt clammy, and my stomach twisted itself into knots as I entered the parking lot of Amberly Academy. Various cliques gossiped in the parking lot and lounged in the courtyard. I caught a few curious glances, but no one seemed too keen to investigate. Maybe I could go unnoticed for the year.

I managed to find the office without much of a hassle. The secretary handed me: my schedule, a note that had to be signed by my teachers, records to be signed by my guardian, locker number, lock, and a highlighted map of my classes (which would only be used if I was desperate).

My first class was Chemistry. I got there early since I skipped my locker and was now faced with a problem. Do I sit in the front to get noticed or sit in the back? What if I sit in someone's seat? I might as well put a sign on my back that says "new girl". Eventually I choose the window seat in the second row on the left side of the classroom. Please Lord, be kind, and let this seat be unoccupied.

The bell rang and the class began to flow in. No one seemed to notice me. I on the other hand paid attention to who sat where. The preps occupied the center of the room with the jocks on their right. A few kids who looked stoned sat by the back window. The rest of the class filled in the empty seats.


Oh no. I glanced up to see a tall, thin girl standing over me. Her skin was the perfect shade of caramel and her dark brown hair fell around her in perfection. Immediately I felt my confidence drop.

"You're new here, right?" She slid into the seat next to me. "I'm Olivia."

"Danielle, but I go by Dani."

"I've never seen you around town before, and trust me, I know everyone." She scrutinized me making me feel like a specimen under a microscope. Suddenly her large brown eyes widened even larger. "Are you the people that moved into the house on Vernen Street?"

"No, with Mr. Grey."

"Old Man Grey? Are you like his granddaughter, niece, what?" Her eyes lit with curiosity.

"No, he adopted me."

"Oh." Excitement faded from her eyes, but they quickly returned. "I'd be happy to show you around school."


Finally the teacher came and I was grateful. Olivia seemed like a really nice person; I just wasn't used to the bubbly personality. Silence was my tranquility. Plus, I've never really had many friends with bouncing from multiple foster homes.

Olivia walked me to my next class which we both shared. Our entire schedule was the same for A days and we had English together on B Days.

Now came the dreaded part of my day. Lunch. A single room where every clique eats together ,and where you sat could determine your social status. The room was almost like a time bomb. One had to tread carefully or risk setting off teenage drama. I often avoided the conflict by skipping lunch and hiding in the library, but Olivia was having none of that.

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