I Need a Hero Part II

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Damon's P.O.V.

I froze as I heard two gunshots. Leave it to the rogues to have a dirty trick up their sleeves.

"James, head back to the others and report any causalities immediately," I ordered. "I'm going to handle the Alpha alone. Should I give the order to retreat, I expect you to obey without hesitation."

"I can't let you go alone," James replied.

"I gave you an order, Beta. If fate is not on my side, someone will need to lead the pack."

He hesitated. Thoughts ran through his head as he debated whether or not to obey or defy my orders."If you die, you'll lose my respect."

I chuckled. "That seems fair enough."

He turned to leave and paused. "Good luck, Damon."

Once he was gone, I entered the room. I was greeted by a large black and dark brown wolf with grey eyes.

"Roman," I growled.

"Damon," he replied curtly. "You got rid of your back up? Why?"

"This is a fight between you and me. Where's Dani?"

"I thought your little mate could watch." He stepped to the side, and I saw Dani curled up in the corner. She was covered in blood and bruises. Her knotted hair acted as veil, but I could see the fear in her eyes.

I snarled. "Let her go."

"Hmm. I don't think so. I want her to watch me up you in your place which is six feet under."

I growled and lunged. He stepped to the side at the last second. My blood boiled when he chuckled.

"Is that the best you can do? I expected more from the Alpha of the most feared pack on the continent. Let me show you how a real Alpha fights."

He lunged, and I met him halfway. The two of us snarled and attempted to tear out each other's throats.

I have to win. I have to win for Dani.

Dani's P.O.V

I watched as the two fought. Roman clearly had the advantage. I cringed as Roman swiped at Damon's face. Damon shook his head causing droplets of blood to splatter on the floor and walls.

There had to be some way I could help. I at least needed to turn the fight to Damon's favor.

A loud crash snapped me out of my thoughts. Damon had tackled Roman, and they both tumbled into the cart of torture tools. Several objects slid my way.

That's it.

My hand closed around the handle of a knife. If I could just get close enough, I could distract Roman. I don't know how much damage my left hand could deliver, but I at least had to try.

I leaned against the wall once I managed to pull myself up. Everything hurt, and my breath was coming out in short, painful pants.

A yelp snapped me out of my trance. Damon was pinned on his back with Roman's teeth inches from his throat. Damon growled and snapped at Roman, but it was to no avail.

I have to do this. I at least have to try.

I felt a rush of adrenaline and lunged while letting loose a battle cry. The blade buried itself in Roman's side all the way up to the hilt. He yelped, and turned his angry grey eyes towards me.

Pain suddenly spread through my stomach. I looked down and saw his claws deep in my gut. He pulled out his claws and kicked me aside with the force of a wrecking ball. I slammed into wall and collapsed on the floor in a heap.

This is it, huh? Bleeding out in an old factory wasn't my ideal way to die. I would have at least wanted to have one last laugh with my friends, and to tell Damon that I love him. Oh well, I've never been very lucky.

There was no life flashing before my eyes, and no light at the end of the tunnel. There was only darkness.

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