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Have you ever been in a bad situation, and you wish you could make it go away? If you close your eyes, the darkness would disappear. When you open your eyes, everything would seem like a bad dream. If only life was that easy.

My eyes opened to a spinning room. I blinked a few times and my vision came to a stand still. I was in a small, windowless, barely lit, concrete room. The only door was on the other side of the room. My hands were bound in front of me, the rope already chaffed my skin. I pulled myself into a sitting position and instantly regretted it. Pain rushed through my side. I lifted my shirt and saw a large, ugly, black and blue bruise on my right side. Probably the result of a few broken ribs. What caused-oh yeah, the car accident, but what happened after that?

A sudden groan made me realize I wasn't alone. I looked to my left and saw Alyx on the ground; her wrists also bound.

"Alyx," I whispered trying to get her attention. She didn't reply. Maybe she was still disoriented. I tried to nudge her with my foot, and gasped at the pain. Oh yeah, broken ribs.

"Alyx," I called again, this time a little louder.

"What?" She grumbled. Something must has clicked because she sat up quickly. "Where the hell are we?"

"You're in rogue territory."

From the far right corner of the room a man probably in his early twenties stepped out of the shadows. His appearance alone made him intimidating. He was tall and muscled. Cropped dark brown hair covered his head while brown stubble covered his sharp jawline. Piercing grey eyes stared us down.

"Welcome ladies. I hope you're comfortable."

"Why don't you untie me, and I can give you a proper thanks?" Alyx barked.

A giggle responded from the shadows. "You were right, Roman. She is feisty." Jocelyn stepped into the light, and wrapped her arms around Roman's arm. "Hello, Dani. Alyx. Surprised?"

Alyx replied for me. "You. No. I knew you were a rogue the minute I caught your scent."

"Well if your so clever, then this shouldn't shock you."

Another person stepped out of the shadows. My eyes widened, and Alyx growled.

"I thought I smelt a traitor. To think I called you my pack brother, Issac."

He didn't respond and refused to meet her gaze.

"Oh, now you can't look at me, coward? Where's your mate, or is she a traitorous coward as well?"

"She's not my mate, and she's no longer a part of our cause."

"Well isn't that good to know. I'll keep that in mind when I kick her ass later."

"You're oddly confident for someone in your position," Issac replied smugly.

"I'm supposed to be scared of you." She rolled her eyes. "Give me a break."

Issac growled, and Roman put a hand on his shoulder. "Let her rant. We'll see how strong she is after Jocelyn has a round with her."

"It's Roman, right? I take it you're in charge. Why the hell are we here?"

"It's obvious isn't it. You're bait for the real prize."

"What do you have against Damon?" I asked. I flinched as his hard gaze focused on me.

He smirked."So the little Luna can speak after all. Personally, there's no bad blood between us. It's his status I have a problem with. He and every other Alpha think that their rank makes them entitled to walk over those who they see as lesser. Much like dear old dad."

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