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Dani's P.O.V

I leaned against the railing of the balcony. The breeze blew the scent of the sea in my face and whipped my hair behind me. The full moon reflected on the calm surface of the water.

"Dani?" Damon called.

I quickly wiped away my tears before going back inside. I got into bed and turned away from him. An arm slipped around my waist, and he pulled close so my back was against his chest.

"Was it a nightmare?" he asked.

I nodded.

The nightmares had started a few days after I was rescued. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing Roman's face. I spent most of my nights tossing and turning. Other nights I woke up kicking and screaming. It wasn't any better during the day. Even in the safety of the pack territory, I constantly felt the need to check over my shoulder, and my heart raced with every sudden noise. It's been two months, and I swear I've spent more time awake than asleep. It was suggested that I should get some time away from pack life. The beach's beautiful environment was calming, but I couldn't bring the serenity into my dreams.

"He can't hurt you, Dani," Damon assured me. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I made sure of that. None of then can hurt you again."

I rolled over so I faced him. "But Issac's still out there, and the Council said that Roman was Alpha of many smaller rogue packs."

"For once the Council is actually doing it's job. The rogue count has dropped significantly. As for Issac, I don't think he will be a problem. No pack will take him since he is on the Council's watch list." He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. "If you still can't sleep, I can help you."

He rolled onto his back and pulled me with him so that I was on top of him. I felt myself blush as I caught onto the meaning of his words. His hands slid up my sides causing my shirt to rise up. Moonlight trickled into the room, and a sliver shined on my stomach showing off my ugly scars. A terrible reminder of Roman that would be with me forever.

Damon traced each scar with a troubled look on his face. I feared the worst. What if he couldn't look past my flaws?

Suddenly he cupped my face and pulled me down into a kiss. Like every kiss we shared he poured every ounce of his heart into it.

"A scar isn't going to make me love you any less, Little Fish," he whispered.

I tried to blink back the tears, but the dam burst. Every thing I'd been holding back for the past two months was washed away as tears spilled down my cheeks.

"I love you, Danielle. Forever and always."

"I love you too. Forever and always."

For once I was able to sleep in peace.

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