Big Bad Wolf

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I hadn't seen or heard from Damon in a week. Olivia felt the need to ask me if I'd heard anything, quite smugly I might add. Not even his friends could give me an answer to where Damon had gone. Maybe this was his way of saying he didn't want to see me anymore.

Clink. Clink.

My head turned towards the window.

Clink. Clink.

Maybe it's just the trees.

Clink. Clink. Crack!

I jumped from my bed, and ran to the window. A medium size rock sat at the base of the French doors surrounded by shards of glass. Carefully stepping over the glass, I opened the door and walked out onto the balcony.

"Psst, down here."

I leaned over the railing and saw a figure standing below. They stepped into the light that shone from my room.

"Miss me, Little Fish?"

"Damon, what are you doing here. It's", I leaned back inside to look at my alarm clock, "11:00 on a school night."

"I came to see you." I bit my lip as my cheeks turned pink. "Come on, I want to show you something."

"I can't. Mr. Grey stays in the library till midnight. I can't sneak past him."

He held out his arms. "You could jump. I'll catch you."

A two story drop wouldn't kill me, but what if he missed? Explaining that to people wouldn't go over well.

"Come on, Little Fish," Damon encouraged. "Live a little."

"You promise to catch me?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"I won't let you fall."

Taking a deep breath, I flung my leg over the railing and balanced on the thin edge. My other leg followed, and I turned so my back was pressed against the railing. With a leap of faith, I jumped.

Damon caught me easily and set me gently on my feet.

"Nice pjs" he chuckled.

I blushed as I realized I was in my short pink shorts and lacy black camisole.

"So what did you want to show me?" I asked.

"Not here. We've got to go somewhere else."

He took my hand and led me into the wooded area. I treaded carefully trying to avoid stepping on rocks with my bare feet. We walked for about five minutes before stopping. We were surrounded by thick trees. The leaves hid the moonlight, and I had to squint just to make out a shape.

"Damon?" I called when I felt his hand leave mine.

Suddenly there was a loud popping noise followed by a growl.

"Damon," I whispered. My voice trembled as tears threatened to spill. Being alone in the dark was one of my worst fears. Being trapped in the dark with the unknown is even worse.

Hot breath suddenly fanned my face. I had a sudden sense of déjà vu, but I hoped my brain was just being overly paranoid.

Gripping my phone in my shaking hand, I switched on the flashlight. A large black snout was illuminated under the bright light. I followed the black fur up to a pair of vibrant, green eyes rimmed with gold.

"Why aren't you running?" The rational part of my mind screamed

Because it won't hurt me.

You can't be sure.

But I am.


Because Damon wouldn't hurt me.

Have you lost your mind? You have no idea if that is Damon?

Then where did he go?

My conscious couldn't think of a retort, so I trusted my instinct that this wolf was indeed Damon, and he possessed the willpower not to give into his animal instincts and hurt me.

The wolf walked towards me cautiously as if it was waiting for a reaction. He stopped inches away from me and suddenly sat on his haunches with a smile on his face. He honestly looked like an overgrown dog. I tentatively reached out, and my fingers brushed his nose. He tucked his head under my hand allowing my fingers to run through the thick fur.

"So you're a wolf," I said. Even I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth, but a part of me said I should have seen this coming. "You look different from the first time I saw you."

He tilted his head in confusion.

"You had grey streaks in your fur, and your eyes were golden brown."

He shook his head.

"So that wasn't you I saw. Who was it?"

Without answering, Damon turned and started walking away.

"Wait, where are you going?" I called.

He glanced back over his shoulder. His green eyes told me to stay put. I nodded. I trusted that he wouldn't leave me here alone.

True to his word he had come back.

"We should go," he said taking my wrist.

"Wait, I can't just leave," I said pulling on my wrist, but his grip remained firm. "Harriet will have a fit if I'm gone without an explanation."

"I can't just leave you here if there is a rogue wolf outside your house."

"It was one time," I lied. I actually spotted the wolf in the same area more than once. Sometimes I would sit for hours just to catch a glimpse of it.

Suddenly a bright light blinded us. I shielded my eyes an squinted at the figure holding the flashlight.

"Mr. Masen, Ms. Scott, care to explain what you are doing out here at this hour?"

I stood frozen on the spot. How does one explain that their boyfriend just turned into a werewolf?

"I apologize if I've kept Dani out past curfew," Damon replied smoothly. "It won't happen again."

"I assume you had good reason to be out here?" Mr. Grey asked.

"Yes, sir." Damon's expression suddenly hardened. His intense glare made me shiver, but Mr. Grey was unfazed. It almost seemed like a silent converstaion was going on between the two of them.

"Well, then, Ms. Scott, see that you make it back upstairs without distrubing those who are already asleep," Mr. Grey said. He nodded goodbye to both of us before limping back to the house. Once he was out of earshot, I turned to Damon.

"What about the wolf?"

"Don't worry." Damon replied still glaring at Mr. Grey's retreating form. "I don't think it will be a problem anymore."


I'm back! Sorry for the long wait. I rewrote this chapter many times, and I'm still not completely happy, but it's better than nothing. I'm also taking hard classes this year, so I don't know how often I can update.

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