Does it Get Better From Here?

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I wanted today to be better. I asked for little in life and can't even have a good start to my morning. The rain from last night left large puddles on the road and sidewalk. Twice, cars whipped by splashing my legs and skirt with murky water. I changed my uniform causing me to be late to first period. Lesson of the day: Don't piss off Ms. Hodge.

Olivia didn't show up to first, so I wandered the halls till I located my second class. The art teacher was a little more lenient, but I did have to introduce myself again. I would have preferred a lecture on punctuality.

"So any plans for the weekend?" Olivia asked.

I picked at my salad absentmindedly. My eyes occasionally drifted to where the Pack sat. Unfortunately, Damon sat with his back to me.

Why does it even matter, Dani? He's not interested in you. You're a nobody.

"Earth to Dani," Olivia called. She poked my cheek. "Are you ignoring me because of first period?"

"No, I was just daydreaming."

"Careful, you might fall out your chair, little fish," Cody said chuckling.

My cheeks immediately flushed red which only caused Cody to laugh harder.

"Did I miss something?" Olivia asked.

"It's nothing," I replied quickly. Judging by the look I got, I'm guessing she didn't believe me.

"It's just Damon's pet name for her," Mia answered shrugging. "What's the big deal? Just about every girl in this school has one."

"He gave you a pet name?" Olivia and Daniel said in unison. One was more questioning while the other seemed a bit pissed.

Olivia pursed her lips before grabbing her books. "I should be going. Can't be late for Chorus." She pushed open the exit door with a little more force than necessary almost hitting a student with the door's backlash.

"I should go too," Daniel mumbled. He seemed a bit more depressed as he exited.

Something told me that I had something to do with their leaving.


The library was empty for the most part. A few students were playing paper football in the back, and others rattled the keys on the keyboard as they typed up reports. I settled in a back corner and pulled out a book I borrowed from Mr. Grey's library. I'm sure he wouldn't mind as long as I returned it. A pen twisted between my fingers as a read, a little habit of mine. It fell mid spin and rolled under the table. I sighed and reached for it.

"Looking for something, little fish?"

My head shot up hitting the gum covered underside of the table, and I let out a yelp. I rubbed the back of my head and sat up carefully.

"A little bit jumpy today," Damon said smirking. "Maybe I should call you something else." He dropped his bag next to mine and sat next to me. Instantly, I felt my head spin and my heart race.

"Ihavetogo," I said quickly.

I rose, but a hand grabbed my wrist and tugged me back down. I ended up on his lap. He smirked, and I blushed. I shot up ignoring his laughter and high-tailed it out of the library. Could my day get any worse?

"Welcome students to Drama," Mrs. Chord said dramatically. "Here is your chance to express yourself in many shapes and forms. Some of you may consider it a waste of time, while others are bubbling with potential to capture the audience with their skills. Lets see how well you all can improvise. Dani, Alyx, Damon, Scott, and Elizabeth, you five will start us off."

I stood on stage with the others finding interest in a string on the end of my jacket. Whatever we're doing, please let it end quickly.

"You all will hold a conversation, and the first word must follow the alphabet. Any action given to you should be followed through. If you mess up, you're out. Elizabeth, start us off with whatever letter you want.

"What's up you guys?"

"X-rays are being done this afternoon," Scott replied.

"You have no creativity," Alyx said rolling her eyes.

"Zam girl, why you got to be so mean."

"Zam is not a word, Scott," Mrs. Chord sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. "Take a seat. Dani, continue."

"Uh...Alyx, I like your earrings."

"Beautiful, aren't they?"

"Can't you buy those at Five and Below?" Elizabeth questioned. A smug smile found its way onto her face.

"Don't start," Alyx warned.

"Easy ladies," Damon said placing a hand on their shoulder. "Both of you are beautiful."

Alyx shrugged his hand off while Elizabeth leaned closer to his side. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. She was the epitome of a blonde bombshell. She was also one that hiked her skirt up past dress code regulations, and her blouse was unbuttoned just low enough to show cleavage.

"Kiss her!"

I dropped back into reality at the exclamation. Alyx held a mischievous glint in her eye, and Damon stood inches away from me. I put two and two together.

My first kiss was stolen by Damon Masen.
Sorry for the long wait. I've had a lot of work since the start of second semester. Hopefully the next chapter won't take so long. I've also added a cast list for anyone who is curious. I'll add the other characters as they come along.

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