Broken Hearts

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Something strange was going on. Everyone I passed smiled or winked at me. Even those who didn't like me gave me words of congratulations. Did they know something I didn't?

I was sitting in my room reading when the door suddenly slammed open.

"You sneaky little bitch." A smile stretched across Alyx's face. She jumped on my bed causing me to flinch. "When were you going to tell me?"

I raised an eyebrow, confused. "Tell you what?"

"I had to find out through my brother. I thought we were friends." She cut me off before I could answer. "Can I at least see your mark? Issac didn't believe me when I told him that you and Damon mated, and I want to prove him wrong."

"Alyx, I didn't mate with Damon. He tried, but I said no."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Then she smiled. "If you're trying to trick me, you've got to do better than that. I ran into Damon this morning. He smelt like some fruity perfume. By the way, what was it because I kinda liked it." She continued to ramble, but I wasn't listening. Damon lied to make himself look better. He couldn't take the fact that I refused to sleep with him.

"Alyx, I swear Damon and I didn't mate."

"But, I smelt your scent and Damon had a hickey. It was faint, but I saw it." She grabbed my hair and pulled it to the side. "Where's your mark?"

"Like I said, we didn't mate."

She sat back puzzled. An awkward silence passed before she spoke up. "Dani, do you wear perfume?"

"Not really, but I do have two on my dresser."

She picked up both bottles and sniffed them both.

"It doesn't match," she mumbled. She sprinted from the room before I could ask what she meant. She returned moments later with a phone. Damon's cellphone to be exact.

"What's the password?"

"Only if you tell me what's going on?" I hated being kept in the dark which this pack did a lot of. For such a close knit group, they sure have their secrets.

"Okay, don't get mad, but I think Damon is cheating."

"Your proof," I challenged.

"Well, I smelt your scent on him, but you said you didn't sleep with him. Plus you perfume doesn't match the one I smelt on him. I'm also pretty sure you didn't give him that hickey."

"Maybe it's just a bruise."

"On his neck?"

"Yeah, you've seen how rough the guys get when they spar. Maybe he got hit in the neck." I wasn't convinced by my words, but I didn't want to believe that Damon had cheated on me. After all the times he told me that I was his one and only. Was it a lie?

"That's why I need his password," Alyx urged. "I need to make sure I'm not just jumping to conclusions."

"It's his birthday," I mumbled.

She quickly typed in the code, then began scrolling through his messages. Suddenly she stopped. Her face was unreadable, but dread built in my stomach. Did she find something? I snatched the phone and instantly wished I could forget what I saw on the screen.

Lexi: Last night was great. ;) Wanna do it again?

Damon: Maybe

Lexi: Hurry over. I'm lonely.

The message continued with them flirting back and forth.

"I need to be alone right now," I said handing the phone back with a trembling hand.

She took the phone and left. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks. My first relationship, and it ends in heartbreak. Fate is truly a cruel mistress.
Damon's P.O.V

I suppressed a sigh as my phone buzzed for the what felt like the hundredth time today. Lexi didn't get it. We agreed I would contact her when she was needed, otherwise she was to leave me alone. Was she this clingy with all the guys she slept with?

I paused at the bottom of the steps. At the top was Dani with a duffel bag in one hand and her cellphone in the other. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying for hours.

I stiffened. Had someone hurt her? "Dani, what's wrong?" I took a step forward, but froze at her icy gaze. I ducked as something flew towards my head. It shattered as it made contact with the wall.

"What the hell, Dani?"

"Don't what the hell me, you lying bastard. You cheated on me. You fucking cheated on me."

My blood ran cold. I knew I wouldn't be able to hide it, but I didn't think she would find out so fast.

"It's your fault this happened in the first place," I shot back. I ducked again as another object flew at my head. My heart stopped when I saw angry tears roll down her cheeks.

"So you're just going to act like this isn't your fault," she cried. She shook her head and laughed. "Everyone was right about you. You're a charmer, but you lose interest once someone prettier comes along."


"Don't bother apologizing," she spat. She brushed past me. I reached out, but she flinched away.

"Don't touch me! I don't ever want to see you again."

I watched in pain as my mate, my light, my happiness, vanished into darkness.

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