Date Night

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I grimaced at the bags under my eyes. Reading the first journal kept me up till early in the morning, and I only got through the first half. This one was filled with personal entries from someone named Xavier, Alpha of the Crimson Sky Pack who also wrote the first journal I read. The entries were of his battles with the rogues, and his excitement of his first child. The name Victoria also appeared a couple of times. Sometimes he referred to her as Luna.

"Pack", "rogues", and "Luna" were all werewolf terms, or that's what Google told me when I typed in the words. I considered asking Mr. Grey, but I doubted my conclusions. Werewolves just don't exist. They're fairy tale creatures. If I asked anyone, they would probably think I'm crazy, but if Mr. Grey offered the journals to me in the first place then maybe he had come to the same conclusion, but wanted a second opinion.

I rubbed my temples trying to process everything. It was much too early and I was much to tired to try to figure everything out. I nearly fell asleep first period.

The bathroom door swung open pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced up and instantly wished I hadn't.

"Oh, you're here," she said coolly. She put her purse on the counter and dug through it. "How do you do it?"

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"It's been a week so the new girl appeal should be gone. No offense, but I don't understand why Damon likes you. He can have any girl he wants, me included, and he chooses you. Why does Damon even like you? I've known him since middle school and not once has he noticed me. I played hard to get. I tried being shy. I outright flirted with him. Not a single glance in my direction. Then you waltz in and you're the center of attention you man-stealing whore!"

I took a step back. Her words stung like a whip. I've been called a lot of things in my life. Ugly, stupid, waste of space, were just a few. Never had someone called me a whore, much less a person who I considered a friend.

"I'm sorry that you feel ignored, but being petty isn't going to make him like you."

"You little bitch."

The classic line before a slap on the cheek or a punch to the nose. I expected nothing less of Olivia. Judging by her balled up fists, I had a feeling a punch was coming.

The door swung open again and Alyx walked in slightly surprised.

"Sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"Not at all. Dani and I were just talking." She grabbed her purse and stormed out.

"You're Dani?" She asked.


She reached into her blazer pocket an pulled out a folded note. "Damon told me to give this to you."

I took it and unfolded it. A small message was written hastily but neatly.

See you Saturday at 7pm. Dress warmly.

Dress warmly. What was that supposed to mean?

"Hey, Alyx, what-?"

I looked up, but she was gone. Guess I'll find out later.


Saturday rolled around quicker than expected. Olivia avoids me like the plague but what isn't new.

I stood wrapped in my towel as I debated on an outfit. Finally I decided on a black and white stripped sweater and dark blue skinny jeans.

"Dani," Harriet called. "A handsome young man is waiting for you downstairs."

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