Unexpected Encounters

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I was never one to indulge myself in works of fantasy. My imagination of being a princess in a castle guarded by a dragon was never there as a child. Since arriving at Grey Manor I noticed Mr. Grey, who I had yet to meet, had a large collection of books revolving around the topic of werewolves. It wasn't the fictional stories, but books stating facts on werewolves. Some were old wife tales while others were published journals of claimed sightings. Perhaps Mr. Grey liked to study cryptozoology. Harriet said he was often gone for periods of time. It seemed weird that he would just focus on one creature. I thought cryptozologists studied all types of fantasy creatures. Why should I even be interested in an old man's hobby? Well, it might just help me figure out what creature I found Friday night.

It was around sunset when I decided to leave my reading spot. I recently found it when I ventured into the woods around the house. There was a nice, clear area with a small pond. It would be a nicer in the spring when the grass was green and flowers were in bloom.

I paused as a branch cracked. It was probably just a small animal. I started walking back and heard another branch break, but this one was closer. I squinted at the heavy underbrush. Bright yellow eyes locked with mine. Curiosity, of course, got the better of me. I took a cautious step forward.

Suddenly, a large animal jumped from the vegetation. It was giant, maybe the size of a horse, with jet black fur with graying streaks and a grey muzzle. It's golden brown eyes held dangerous intentions.

I was frozen with fear, but my mind screamed at me to run. I took one step back as the beast growled. It bared its teeth, revealing large canines that could easily tear me limb from limb. My muscles tightened in fear. Of all the ways to die, I had to be mauled by a large mutant wolf. The beast stalked towards me with a slight limp, but still held a malicious aura. I shut my eyes as hot air blew in my face. Please kill me quickly. Please kill me quickly.


I cracked one eye open and saw Harriet racing towards me, out of breath. Her cheeks were bright pink from exhaustion and bits of her hair fell from her normally perfect bun.

"There you are? What are you doing out here this late? I was calling for you and none of the staff knew where you were." She pulled me into a hug while continuously running off questions.

"I'm guess I lost track of time," I replied. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"It doesn't matter now. Come, dinner is ready."

She led me back to the house, but I couldn't help but glance back over my shoulder in hope of seeing the large beast. Do I ask Harriet? She would surely think I'm crazy. Why didn't kill me? More importantly, where did it go?

After dinner, I made my way to Mr. Grey's office. Harriet told me this room was off limits, but my curiosity often got the better of me. I accidentally ventured in once and came across the werewolf book which led to my assumption of his studying cryptozoology.

I scanned the bookshelf looking for something useful. My eyes landed on a leather bound journal. I picked it up and papers scattered across the floor. I kneeled down to pick them up.

"Lose something?"

I looked up to see a tall man standing in the doorway leaning against a cane. His salt and pepper hair was combed back and matched his mustache. Wrinkles were etched on his face. Golden brown eyes stared right through me. I felt like all my secrets were exposed the longer he stared. Twenty dollars that this was Mr. Grey.

"Or did curiosity get the best of you?" He limped over to his desk and slid into the leather chair. "I'm certain Harriet made it quite clear that my office is off limits. I just wish you would have lasted the month. You would have made me fifty dollars richer." He turned his back to me and faced the window.

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