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"This is unacceptable," Taylor exclaimed once we were outside the theater. "Why did they have to kill Eric?"

"Well, he was a Dauntless traitor," I said.

"Okay, but they could have taken him prisoner and used the truth serum to get information about Erudite."

"It's just a movie, Taylor," Olivia said rolling her eyes.

"Just let me be sad that my fictional boyfriend is dead."

We walked outside and said our goodbyes. Alyx, Viktor, Anton, Issac, and four others came out a few minutes later.

"How was your movie?" I asked.

"Awesome," Alyx replied. "I love the Fast and Furious movies."

We walked over to the cars and piled in. Halfway down the road, I noticed a car was following us rather closely. The headlights were so close that it lit up the inside of the car.

"Jeez, this guy won't let up," Alyx said looking out the back window.

I looked out the back window, but the glare from the headlights prevented me from seeing anything. Fear slowly started to creep inside me. What if we being followed by rogues?

Anton must have thought the same thing because he took out his phone. "Иван, может быть жулики за нами. Возьмите первый право. Если они следуют, прижаться." (Ivan, there might be rogues following us. Take the first right. If they follow, pull over.)

The car in front of us turned right, and we followed. The car behind us sped past the turn.

I let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't rogues.

"Ложная тревога. Продолжить маршрут назад к дому." (False alarm. Continue route back to the house.)

The car made a u-turn and headed back towards the intersection. My phone buzzed, and I saw I had a text from Damon.

Damon: Are you almost home?

I smiled. Sometimes Damon could be annoying with the need to know where I was, but I understood why. The rogues hadn't showed up in a while meaning they were planning something. Damon knew he couldn't protect everyone, but he didn't want anymore innocent lives wasted.

I typed in my password to reply.

Ten minutes.

My thumb hovered over the send button when I heard screeching tires. I whipped my head up in time to see the blinding car headlights. Everything happened so fast. The sound of metal and glass colliding vibrated against my ear drums. My vision blurred, and everything went black.


The voice was muffled as if I was hearing it underwater.


The voice came is clearer this time.


My eyes opened, but everything was spinning. My vision cleared, and I realized I was upside down. When did the car flip over? I tried to move and I felt pain race down my side. Was I injured? Hands grabbed under my arms and dragged me a short distance. I was lying on something solid, but soft. Grass maybe? I turned my head and saw two cars, or at least what was left of two cars. The masses of metal were twisted and crushed together. Someone was pulling a limp figure out of the wreckage.

"Luna, can you hear me?"

Anton face hovered over mine. He had a large gash on his temple and blood down the right side of his face.

I felt myself beginning to space out again. The pain in my side was beginning to worsen, and I wish I could just lost consciousness.


Something beside me landed with a thud. I looked over and saw Anton lying beside me. In between his lifeless eyes was a single bullet hole. A wave of nausea passed over me, and I blacked out.

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