Floyd Leech x F!Reader - Ignored

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It was Monday morning when you headed to the first lesson with Grim. You were in a bad mood cause the weekend felt so short and you had to study for that god damn alchemy test. It really was a struggle, you had no motivation.

When the Adeuce combo greeted you, like every morning when they picked you up, you only grumbled back.

Ok let's get over this shitty day and this frigging test, you thought when you reached for the doorknob to your classroom.

But then it happened, the moment you opened the door and walked through, a bucket with ice cold water fell down on you.

Luckily Grim walked a few seconds after you through the door, so he didn't get wet - unlike you. You were soaked to your bones.

"Bahahahaha just look at you~ Ne ne Koebi-Chan, did ya get a little wet? Poor thingy~"

You looked in the direction of the hysterical laugh, only to see Floyd showing his toothy grin, sitting on your place.

Oh you wanted to punch him so badly. But you decided not to. You did the thing that the tall eel hated the most - being ignored. "I'll go get changed.." you said to Grim in a monotone voice.

"Eh? Where do you think you're going Koebi - chan ?~" pouted Floyd.

This idiot, I really want to slap him but then I'll give him only what he wants.

"You're not fun at all Koebi - chan!!" cried the moody boy after you but you couldn't care less.

During Alchemy test, you could feel a pair of eyes on you. You didn't need to look around, knowing they belonged to Floyd. He really seems to be pissed you chuckled to yourself.

When lesson was over, you secretly looked over to the merman, who had an upset look on his face when he left class.

The next few days you stilled ignored him, which drove the turquoise haired insane. He tried to gain your attention, wanted to play with you.
But it didn't work. At first you ignored him because you were mad at him, now you did it out of fun.

You sat under an apple tree in the school garden, enjoying your lunch when Jade approached you.

Good day (Y/N), may I disturb your lunch break?" he asked in a gentle manner.

"Of course!" you replied, still having half of your sandwich in your mouth, at which Jade chuckled.

"It's about Floyd. You do know that he is moody but lately it's worse than usual. Most of the time he lies in bed, complaining about everything.
Maybe he feels better if you would talk to him?"

"Uhh..." scratching your neck you look up at him. " Yeah I think...I could try?"

" Wonderful, thank you for your help. He will surely feel better. Have a nice day." With a bow and his usual smile he left you there with a confused look on your face.

"How am I supposed to confront him...?"

Next day you went with kind of a bad feeling to class because you had to talk to the probably offended eel. But you didn't know how.

Maybe I overdid it...what if he turns the tables and doesn't want to talk to me...?

With a worried expression you sat on your place. Suddenly the class door bursted open which made everyone startle.

You nearly had a heart attack, when you saw Floyd was the one who approached you with an angry expression.

"I can't take it anymore!!" he yelled at you and slammed his fists at your desk.

"You know you've been ignoring me for nearly a week now and I fucking hate it!!"

"Well you could at least apologize to me instead of yelling at me like that!"

"Ehhh? Why Should I!"

"You don't remember 'bout that stupid childish prank you pulled on me last Monday!? I could've catch a cold you know!"

"Well who cares any way!?" Floyd replied crossing his arms, blushing slightly.

"Oh? Are you blushing?" You giggled as you peeked at his attractive face.

"You know at first I ignored you because I was really mad at you but know I did it out of fun ahaha" you grinned at him.

But then he slowly turned his head in your direction, your smile vanished instantly and in this moment, you knew you made a terrible mistake telling him that.

In an instant the mad guy yanked you from your seat, pulling you by your wrist through the class room and the hallways until you two were outside in the school garden.

Your wrist really hurt by now "Ouch! Floyd stop it! You're hurting me!"

Then he slammed you against a tree, trapping you between his arms, his handsome face inches away from yours.

"Ohhh did I hurt Koebi-chan~" he said with a worried tone, which obviously was fake, while showing his toothy smile.

"Well that's what you get for hurting meee~ aha~"

"(Y/N) was a bad Koebi-chan~ and now she deserve some punishment~"

"What..." Your face begun to get pale. Your scared expression turned him on even more.

"This will be fun~" Shortly after saying this, he kissed you aggressively, biting your bottom lip, moaning slightly.

He runs his hands along your waist and your breasts impatiently, touching every corner of your body. You hate to admit it but you loved the way he makes you feel.

Floyd really enjoyed the taste of your soft lips, kissing you like he hasn't seen you in ages, until you were out of breath, panting like crazy.

"Now now let's go~"

"Wait...w-where...are we...going?"

"Aww Koebi - chaaan you're such a bother sometimes~" he complained as he scooped you up, carrying you like a sack of potatoes.

Grim and the others gave you a worried look, as you passed by, praying for you that you would stay alive.

A few minutes later you were in Floyd's room. He threw you on his bed, like you were some kind of pillow.

"Ne K.o.e.b.i - chan~" he said while cuddling up to you, trapping you in his arms.

"You ignored me for a week, so that means that you have to stay with me like this for how long I waaant~~hehe~"

"A-and how l-long will that be...?"

"How 'bout forever~"


Suddenly he moved his hands to your face and started pinching your rosy cheeks.

"Aww Fwoyd stop wit..."

"Ahaha your cheeks are just so soft and smooth~ I wonder how they taste...." To your shock he licked your cheek, then stared deeply in your (e/c) eyes. Following was a goofy smile of his with a blush crossing his face.  Your eyes widen when you stared at him in disbelief.

"You know I really missed the taste of you and your cute face next to mine when I wake up.."

After his statement you blushed so hard, like a strawberry, as you hid your face in his broad chest.

"Aww Koebi - chaaaan I knew you missed my cuddles, but I didn't know it was this bad~"

"Oh just shut up...!"

"Hehe~ You know I really love you~" whispered the merman with such sweetness in his voice, while hugging you even tighter, not letting yo go anytime soon.

Hey^^ This is my first story I've written so far and I really hope that you like it🙈Also sorry if it's a little short, I'll try to make longer ones. Wish all of you a nice day, stay safe and sound💖

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