Rook Hunt x F!Reader - A Rainy Day

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Character request by @SolisSunshine (*^▽^*)
Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of chirping birds. A yawn escaped your mouth and you stretched your legs in bed. The arm around your waist pulled your body a bit closer to the man who lied behind you. Rook let out a small, satisfying sight when he nuzzled into the crook of your neck, whereupon you softly smiled. You took his big hand off your torso, placed a kiss on it and swung your legs out of bed.

The wind lashed the heavy rain against your big windows, when you gazed down at the city. Then you felt a present behind you, a kiss on your cheek followed.
"Already awake mon chéri? Won't you get back in bed with me? The weather is so bad today." He whispered with a low chuckle beneath your ear, which send a shiver down your spine.

"You know, I'm hungry  and we need to do some grocery shopping." You answered with a knowing look.

"Hah...I'm hurt by those words, so you rather go grocery shopping instead of cuddling with me?" He sighted over dramatically, while his hunter green eyes smiled down on you.

"Oh stop the acting!"

"All right all right!" He laughed and rose his hands in surrender. "But you should stay home, it's too dangerous outside." Rook admitted while putting his coat and hat on.

"So you want me to stay here and hope that you won't be buried under a branch? No way!" You worried with crossed arms.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, don't worry." With that he planted a kiss on your forehead and smiled at you for comfort. Next you saw his blonde hair vanishing through the doorframe. The door slammed shut and you touched the place on your forehead where your boyfriend just kissed you.

In the time he was gone, you thought about the last months. After graduating at NRC, you and Rook decided to move together in a small apartment. It was the best decision you made in your life so far, of course the next one beside confessing to Rook. Meanwhile, you didn't know what you would do without him. Cuddling with him in bed after a long day was the best way to relax. Your thoughts continued to circle around your soft hearted boyfriend. Minutes felt like hours.

After some time you heard how the door opened. You jumped from the couch and run over to Rook. It was like your legs were moving on it's own. The blonde haired let out an 'ouf' when you jumped right into his strong arms, those arms who protected you 24/7 and gave you comfort.

"I'm so glad you're back!!" You giggled while your arms wrapped around his neck. It was like you clung onto him for dear life.

"Woah careful with the groceries (Y/N). What did I do to deserve such welcome?" He laughed softly at you, while putting down the bags.

"I'm just glad you're back in one pice..." you admitted and took the purchase to the kitchen.
"Let's make breakfast-" you wanted to say, but we're cut off by Rook, who wrapped his arms around your waist and dragged you to bed.

"You know you drive me mad with those cute acts of yours, mon Chérie~" he admitted in a low voice.

"D-do I? You tilted your head a bit. He sat you on his lap and kissed your neck carefully. You were kind off ticklish and let out a whimper.

"Oh? Are we in the mood for something else?" He mischievously smirked at you, while pinning you down on the bedsheets.

"N-no...I mean..." after those months of relationships with Rook, he still made you nervous as in the beginning. You couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Mhmhm, and what about those pretty, soft cheeks which turned to a cherry red all of a sudden?" He teased further, leaning down, so your noses were almost touching.
This was your chance to repay his endless teasings, so you stole a kiss from him. His hunter green eyes widen in surprise and a blush crossed his face.

"Hahah! That's what you get for- nahhh stop wittt!!" You screamed.

"So you want to play dirty that is? I can do that too!" And so Rook begun tickling you. Unfortunately, he knew exactly where you were the most ticklish. When you begged for mercy, he only worsened the situation and pinned you down with his body. He left a few ticklish kisses on your neck, until you were out of breath.

"So? You have enough of playing?" He chuckled, when he gazed down at you in amusement.

" not...fair.." you panted tiredly, getting out of bed, as soon as the hunter released you.

"But my plan worked, now I have you all to myself again. Just come here, I know you want me." Rook smiled mischievously at you, while patting the place beside him on the bed.
Usually you were a stubborn person, who was difficult to change, once you made up your mind. But you really wanted to feel Rook against your skin, as well as his strong arms and warmth.

"Just this time..." you pouted and shuffled over to him. Once you were close to the bed, the green eyed yanked you by your arm right in his embrace.

"Since when does the prey come voluntarily to it's hunter?" He chuckled beneath your ear.

"What should the prey do when a hunter this handsome keeps luring them?" You mumbled while hiding in his Chest. You could hear how Rooks heartbeat became faster, was ist because of your words? He tightened his embrace and warmly smiled, knowing that he had you finally in his arms again.

A/N: How fluffy should this chapter be?
Author-San: yes
Sorry if it's too cheesy, the idea just came in my mind and before it was gone, I wrote it down :))
Thanks for reading❤️

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