Riddle Rosehearts x F!Reader - Private tuition

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Thank you again for the request @meoweiko (*^▽^*)
That was it. You could see the cold in Professor Treins eyes, when he handed your history test back. If looks could kill he would've turned you into food for his cat Lucius. You turned the pages and a failing mark caught your eye. Not again. The professor leaned dangerously close over your desk.

"I'd like to have a talk with you after this lesson." With that he turned around and continued handing out the tests. You gulped, feeling that nothing good awaits you.

When the lesson was over, your insecurity finally turned into anger.

"But Grims test wasn't better than mine, so why do I have to listen to his lecture after class!?" Furiously your arms crossed while you barked at your friends.

"I wonder that too...well good luck (Y/N) and see you later." Waving goodbye Deuce followed Ace and Grim out of the classroom.

With a grumpy look on your face, you headed to the teachers desk and sat on the offered chair.

"So (Y/N), you failed again. I'm aware that you can't use magic, but that is no excuse for not learning for the history tests!" You flinched when Treins hand hit the desk in front of you.

"Of course it's not so easy to get used to a new world, so I thought I'd get you help in form of private tuition. Unfortunately I don't have time for that. But someone else has."

A smile formed on your lips, when Lilia came to your mind. Sebek and Silver once told you that he's very good in history. The more disappointed you were, when Riddle was the one who walked through the door. Apparently your expression reflected your inner conflict, because the red head send you a knowing smirk.

Great you thought. That will be a super fun time *cough*.

"Rosehearts agreed to sacrifice his time for you."

"B-but why not Lilia, I heard he's also very good in history?" You nervously grinned at Trein, almost pleading him to switch your private teacher.

"I think Rosehearts is a fantastic decision, especially when it comes to concentration and explanation." With that he packed his things and left you two alone.

"Well well and you have problems with history?" Riddle slowly circled you.

"Y-yes I just can't seem to remember.."

"I'm my opinion it's also called laziness. You can remember, you just have to want it!" He hissed in your ear, which send shivers down your spine.

"Meet me tomorrow after class in the same room as now. And don't be late or there'll be consequences! If you'd excuse me now, I still have other things to do, unlike you." Riddle turned on his heels and left you alone.

A groan escaped your mouth when you realized in what mess you got yourself into. With heavy steps you returned to your dorm.

That evening you had problems sleeping. You overthought todays events and your head hurt from it. Deuce was the only one who showed sympathy for you, Ace and Grim laughed their asses off. What great friends you had.

The next day flew by an instant and it was already time for your private tutoring with Riddle. He impatiently waited for you, looking at his golden watch.

"Two minutes later and you would've been late young lady!" He huffed,

"S-sorry...it won't happen again."

Avoiding eye contact, you scanned the room until your gaze got caught on a pile of books on a desk.

"Uhm..what are all those books doing here?"

"Oh these?" Riddle leaned on the pile with a smirk on his face. "You'll read them."

"What you can't be serious!? This is way too much!" You broke out in a sweat, taking a few steps back.

" *chuckle* well I've got you with this one. I'm just kidding. It would be stupid from me to let you do this, you wouldn't read them anyway since you're too lazy. We're going through them together, starting with the basics. But don't you dare to slack off!"

The next moment Riddles eyes widen when he saw an unexpected smile of you. You looked at him and wondered why his cheeks suddenly turned slightly red.

"Uhm are you ok?"

"Y-yes! It's just kind of hot in here, I'll open a window.." He covered his mouth with his arm, while walking over to the window. You saw how he opened it and leaned out, taking a deep breath.
When he turned around, the sunbeam gave his wine red hair a golden touch.
You didn't know why but your heart skipped a beat at the sight.

"Alright, let's start!"

The lesson with Riddle was quite pleasant, he explained every event clearly so you had no problems. The next weeks it continued like this. Sometimes you two fought because you had no motivation but it wasn't that bad. In fact a warm feeling spread through your body, every time you saw him.

~Time skip~

You sat in class, writing the next history test. Of course you didn't have any problems, thanks to Riddle. Ace on the other hand, wasn't prepared at all. In the corner of your eye you could see how he chewed on his pencil. You giggled quietly.

A few days later you got the results. A small smile grew on Treins face when he announced that you were class best. This was all thanks to Riddles lesson, so you decided to bake him his favorite tart.

With the strawberry tart on a plate in both hands, you made your way to the classroom where Heartslabyul's dorm leader always waited for you.

"I hope you're conscious of your delay (Y/N)?"

"I'm sorry Riddle but I've got a good reason!"

"Is the tart...for me?" His face first showed surprised, than a grin followed.

"Ah y-yes! For your help. My test was really good!" With a shy smile, you put the tart on a table.

"*chuckle* I've already heard from Trein. I told you, hard work pays off. But before I taste the strawberry tart, I want to taste something else..." with that he slowly came up to you and grabbed your chin, like it was made out of glass.
His face came closer and closer until you felt how he slightly touched your lips with his. Even if it was only brief, the feeling you got from him was amazing. His grey eyes stared deeply into yours, when he leaned in again. Unfortunately the door swung open in this moment and of course it had to be Ace.

"Kantouksei , there you a-" when he spotted Riddle, his body froze.
With a twitching brow, Riddle let off of you.

"My god... don't you even know how to knock!?" Ace dashed off, Riddle followed him with quick steps.

Ah here we go again you thought, giggling to yourself.

Hope you like it and thank you for reading❤️

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