Jamil Viper x F!Reader - Caring for each other

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Thank you for the request @CaterDiamondSimp (*^▽^*)

A warm, gentle breeze touched your nose and you took a deep breath, preparing yourself mentally for the next class. Break was over and you walked down the Exterior hallway, when your eyes caught sight of someone in the courtyard. You recognized that someone as Jamil. He wore headphones and seem to dance to the music he listend to. You were amazed by his smooth moves, he looked so cool and elegant at the same time. Suddenly, you watched how a white haired guy approached Jamil in a hurry. Of course it had to be Kalim.

Although you couldn't hear what the two talked about, it didn't seem to be something good. The posture of the two Scarabia students spoke volumes. While Kalim just scratched his neck, Jamil leaned forward and seemed to shout something. You wrinkled your brows, when you wanted to approach them. However in this moment the bell rang and you had to run to history class.

Finally, after what felt like days, school was over. Your body felt heavy when you went to the hallway, ready to take a nice nap. Suddenly black hair, that was half braided and decorated with some golden items appeared before your eyes. It was already too late though and you bumped into that person.


You stumbled back and hold your head.

"Ah! Are you ok? I'm sorry!" Jamil turned around and walked up to you.

Obviously you had a crush on him, even the teachers could see it. Your friends teased you nearly every day about it, asking when the first kiss will happen.

"No it's ok, I didn't wacht where I was going...sorry!" You apologized, while spotting shadows under Jamil's grey eyes. He looked really tired and exhausted.

"Say Jamil...are you alright? You look a little...tired." You carefully admitted.

"Heh...you could say that." He first showed an ironic smile before returning to his normal expression.

"How comes?"

"Nothing serious...just Kalim adding more work than I already have with unnecessary parties. Well whatever, I have to go. Sorry again, hope your head doesn't hurts too much." With that the dark skinned turned around and left.
The sight of Jamil being overworked like this made your heart clench. Since you had no other plans for today, you decided to follow Scarabia'a Vice dorm leader and help him.

At some point you found yourself at the mentioned dorm. After stepping through the mirror, the typical warm climate greeted you. Due to certain events, you knew where the kitchen was and headed straight towards it. Since you didn't know what food was needed for the party, you decided to wait for Jamil.
The surprised look his face held when he saw you was priceless and you had to giggle.

"I'm ready when you are!" You grinned at him, while pulling up your sleeves.

"W-wait what do you mean and what are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'll help you with the party preparations!" You stated proudly.

First his expression was more than irritated, but suddenly he let out a sigh and slightly smiled at you.

"Well I guess I couldn't stop you even if I wanted to." He stated and made his way over to you.

After he gave you the apron and even tied it for you to your surprise, the two of you started with cooking. Jamil gave you many tips and instructions and helped you cutting the fish. Therefore he went behind you and laid his hands on yours. You could feel his heartbeat on your back and nearly squealed because of the closeness.

"I uhm...think I got it!" You nervously explained while trying to hide your red face.

At some point the hole banquet was finished and you helped Jamil carry the food to the dorm lounge.
One time you nearly tripped with the bowl of salad in your hands, but luckily the black haired caught you before another accident could happen.

A few minutes after, Kalim's party guests arrived, among them were Cater and Rook. You sat down along with Jamil and made yourself comfortable between the cushions. Your eyes glowed when you tasted the food the two of you made earlier.

The party went on and you found yourself getting very drowsy. The last thing you felt was that you leaned against someone. It felt so warm and comfortable.

~Party guests pov~

"Ah look at our Trickster and Monsieur Multi-skilled~" Rook pointed out while smiling in amusement.

"Aww what cuties!! That pic will go viral on magicam! Look how Kantouksei is leaning her head against Jamils chest. And his arms around her, just like in those romance movies!" Cater nearly squealed while taking pictures.

"Aha haha! They sure are tired!" Kalim laughed with the others. 

A/N: So sorry for the long wait, hope you like it!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

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