Epel Felmier x F!Reader - Do you trust me?

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Thank you so much for the request @-STR4WBERRY & @Shizuku_Spider_8 (*^ω^*)

The sky was colored in a soft magenta tone when you were on the way to the morning magift practice. Since you couldn't play it yourself, you were even more interested to watch. On the field you could see how Leona let out a big yawn. Poor Lion, had to get up so early today you thought snickering. When you sat on the bleachers, beautiful lavender hair caught your eyes. Your heart immediately begun to raise, realizing that Epel approached you.

"Good morning (Y/N)! What're you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Hey Epel! I just wanted to watch todays magift practice."

"Oh really? Well I'm happy to hear that...ah I've gotta go, we're starting! See ya later!" He waved at you before jogging back to his teammates.

Confidence grew inside Epel's chest. Finally he had the chance to impress you. He wanted to proof that he's a man too.

"Why are you grinning like that?" Ruggie asked

"It's nothing, I'm just motivated!" Epel replied with a smile in his voice.

Ruggie's eyes wandered the area until they landed on you. A smirk appeared on his face.

"So that's the reason shishsishi.." The hyena waved in your direction.

From afar you could see Ruggie greeting you. With a smile you waved back. Not long after the play begun. You stared in awe how Epel played despite his height. In fact it was an advantage because he was fast and agile, unlike some of his tall teammates.

"Heh he finally got the hang of it."

"Huh!?" You shrieked up when you suddenly heard a voice beside you. It was Leona who joined you on the bleachers.

"Where do you come from! And what are you doing here, shouldn't you be practicing too?"

"No way..." he answered with a yawn.

"Of course...uhm did you talk about Epel earlier?"

"Yeah...I remember his terrible technique in the beginning...don't make me remember. I gave him some instructions and he becomes better and better. But today he seems to be in a good mood, I wonder why fufu~" a corner of his lips raised when the lion watched you out of the corner of his eye.

Then the play was over.

"Alright that's it for today." Leona announced. On his face you could read 'finally back to sleep' while he left.

You stood up to welcome Epel and praise him for his awesome practice. But instead a few tall magift player approached you.

"U-uhm can I help you...?" They intimidated you because of the difference in height.

"Heh well if it isn't Ramshackle's dorm head. We trained really hard just now, you surely saw huh?" With a proud smile one of them came closer. You wanted to cover your nose because of the sweaty smell he gave off. Out of politeness you didn't. An other student touched your shoulder.

"Oh come on, won't you treat us to somethin' little lady?"

"Ah please stop touching me!" The situation became more and more unpleasant for you.

"Hey didn't you hear her!? She said fucking stop!" Your fear melted away when you perceived Epel's voice.

"Oh if it isn't the dwarf haha, what do you want?"

The lavender haired didn't even answer and rushed through them up to you. In a second glowing aqua blue eyes showed up in front of you.

"Let's get out of here!" He grabbed your hand and you two pushed through the dumbfounded group of students. It all went by so fast.

"Hey come back motherfucker!!"

Epel squeezed your hand and run even faster. You were surprised by his speed. You panted like crazy when the blue eyed suddenly stopped.

"W-why are you stopping?"

He didn't answered and grabbed a broom that lied on the grass, it was probably from Vargas class.

"You have to trust me with this one, I'm really good at flying." Of course you trusted him more than anyone else, so you joined him on the broom.

"Hold on tight." He turned his head and winked at you.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning your head against his back. You saw how his ears became red and smiled. In fact you were a little afraid of heights but you trusted Epel. With that you took off, a little before the angry group could reach you.

"H-hey! My broom!" You saw a guy who waved his arms at you.

"Sorry! We'll bring it back later!" You shouted with a sweat drop on your face.

Then you squeezed your eyes shut. The lavender haired seemed to notice your tenseness because he let out a soft hum. After a while you slowly opened one eye, then the other. You were up so high but the view was incredibly beautiful. You could see the forest and Ramshackle dorm. That's where Epel landed carefully.

"Phew we're save." You let out a sigh of relief when you got off the broom.

"Thanks for saving me there Epel." You scratched your neck, nervously smiling at him. Instead of returning the gesture, his face was twisted in anger.

"Uhm..did I do something wrong?"

"I hate it..." he clenched his fists.


"I hate it how they touched you!! Those fucking idiots, don't they know that you're mine!?" He yelled out while throwing the broom at the ground.

"H-huh!?" On your face grew a deep blush.
Epel first looked at you confused, then he realized what he just said.

"Ah! I-I mean..." his shy side replaced his rough one.

"I-I mean...if you'd like..t-to be mine?" He poked with his feet on the ground and crossed his arms behind his back.

When you didn't reply he embraced you in a hug.

"I knew you wouldn't...I'm sorry for my height..I couldn't even protect you properly.." he softly said beside your ear.

But then you hugged him back, as tight as you could. The blue eyed flinched a little.

"Are you kidding me? What you did earlier was awesome, you saved me!" You replied with a smile in your voice.
You broke the hug.

"Besides you were so cool when you played magift, I wish I could play like that!"
His eyes widen and his cheeks were tinted red.
He seemed to be a bit overwhelmed because you used the word 'cool' instead of 'cute'.

"Y-you don't have to point it out like that.." he answered in embarrassment, while his hand covered his mouth. He avoided eye contact.

"I-I..love you...Epel.." you shyly admitted, immediately covering your face with your hands.

You felt how soft hands grabbed yours and your face saw the light again. You were a blushing mess. Epel gazed with so much love in his eyes at you. Your heart skipped a beat at his handsomeness. He slowly leaned in until his warm, soft lips met yours. Your arms lied around his neck, so the kiss deepened. To your surprise Epel let out a small moan, whereupon you broke the kiss.

"S-sorry I got carried away." He admitted shyly.

"I-It's ok!" Now you were both embarrassed.
With that you decided to go inside, so that Epel could take a shower. The only question is with or without you😏

A/N: Hey hey, hope you liked the story! Like I mentioned in my post I'll have a writing break for a few weeks. I'm stressed out bc of school and on Friday I have a biology exam😵‍💫I don't wannaaa! Of course I still take requests, but I'll do them after my break. Hope you understand, stay safe and sound and see you!❤️

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