Vil Schoenheit x F!Reader - Betrayal (pt. 1)

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Thanks for the request @Malleus_Simp_23 (*^▽^*)

~Your pov~
Your arms felt a bit sore from the bags you carried. Today you, Epel and Rook went shopping. Vil said he was too busy, so the other two accompanied you. In many stores were sales and you needed new clothes.

"Give me one of your bags Trickster, I cannot longer look at those trembling arms of yours~" Rook purred with a slight smile.

"Ah thank you Rook.." you wanted to hand him the bag over, but in this moment you saw something that made you froze.

"Y/N what's the matter?" Epel asked with a worried expression.
Your eyes widen and the bags fell out of your grip. Rook and Epel confusedly followed your gaze. They gasped. In the front of an Ice café sat Vil with another pretty girl, who probably was a model too. He fed her with ice cream.
They smiled lovingly at each other.

"So that's what he meant with 'busy'...."
Your voice cracked and tears rolled down your face.
When you realized what you just saw, you run down to the entrance. In between you bumped into people, but you didn't care one bit. Your only goal was to get out fast. You threw the glass door open and dashed out, back to NRC.

Arrived, you run up the stairs in Ramshackle dorm and crawled in bed. Never did you cry so hard like now. The ghosts and Grim asked about the source of your breakdown. Your mind was too foggy for any answers, so you threw your friends out.
A few minutes later you perceived a knock on your bedroom door.

"Y/N? It's us...Epel and Rook. We brought your shopping bags, may we come in?" The lavender haired asked carefully.

"I'm sorry, I need time for myself right now. Leave the bags in front of my door please." You sniffled back.

Epel probably wanted to check on you because you heard how Rook said "Let's respect her decision."
You were sorry you turned your friends down, but the way your heart ached was too much right now. At some point you fell asleep.

The next day you went to class. You tried to avoid your friends as much as possible. Next class was chemistry, but before you could reach the door, Azul approached you.

"Well hello there, if it isn't our Ramshackle Prefect ( Y/N). I already heard what happened to you, I'm sorry about that." he admitted while he pushed his glasses up.

"Oh of course it spread like a wildfire around school. What do you want?" You didn't hide the fact that you were more than pissed when you glared at him. But you couldn't banish the sadness either, so your eyes became teary again.

"Ah love~ what a painful thing. I can feel why you're so sad, believe me~" the silver haired purred.

"What do you know about love!?" You angrily replied.

"My, don't get so mad at me. Maybe Vil still loves you?"
With that he suddenly had your attention.
"W-what do you mean?"

"With my help you could find out if he really cared about you. How does this sound?"

You stared at him in mistrust. Azul hit the bull's eye and he knew it. With a sight you gave in to him. Octavinelle's dorm head saw this sign as a yes.

"Great, than meet me at Mostro Lounge after class." And then he left.
You also headed into chemistry class. Your thoughts revolved around Azul's mischievous smirk. Was it really the right choice to agree on his idea?

When class was over you nearly run to Mostro Lounge. Under no circumstances you wanted to be spotted how you headed to Octavinelle. Before you could ask for Azul, large arms wrapped around your body from behind.

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