Floyd Leech x F!Reader - Sparkles

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Thank you so much for your request @Sileydoll ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡
Your hands slid over the pages of your
mermaid sketchbook. The fascination of those sea creatures didn't let go of you. Since you were little, you often dreamed of speaking with one, you even bought a mono fin to swim like a mermaid. Of course people in school caught wind of it and started calling you childish, crazy and weird. But you didn't care much.
You lived in your own world, with mermaid drawings decorating the walls in your room.

It was weekend, the weather was beautiful and you wanted to relax. So you decided to take a walk to the beach. You grabbed your backpack along with some pencils and your sketchbook.

The beach was your favorite place. You loved the sound of the sea as well as the expanse the beach had. A few seagulls squealed when they saw you and flew away. Your feet touched the velvet sand when you took your shoes off. To your luck not many people were here today, probably watching the stupid football game at TV. Then you went over to the large rocks in the surf. You sat down, unpacking your drawing items and gazed with longing at the blue orange horizon.

The wind blew through your (h/c) hair when you thought of the mermaids again. You placed the block on your tighs and grabbed the pencil. Your hand moved on it's own, drawing what was on your mind.

Suddenly you perceived a splash. You looked around, confused that you didn't see anything or anyone. Must have been the waves. But then an amused voice followed.

"Eh~ a human girl how cute, don't you think Jade?"

"Fufu~ I do believe you're right Floyd, she has something."

You looked around wildly until your eyes locked with heterochromatic ones. Your (e/c) eyes widen, while your hand dropped the pencil. Two merman with the same face watched you from the water, having a sly smirk on their faces.

"W-what!? No way!!....Are you...are you perhaps...." Because you bend forward to have a better view at the two creatures, your sketchbook slid off your thighs into the direction of the water.

"Ah! My book...!" You tried to grab it. Luckily one of the merman caught it.

"That was a close one." The one with a gentle look said while handing your book back.

"T- thank you so much! U-uhm....can I...ask you something?" It was a bit difficult for you to form proper words, due to your excitement.

"Hehe Shrimpy seems so nervous~ hey hey did you never seen a merman before?" The one with a toothy grin climbed the rock half up and rested himself on his strong looking arms.
Though the other one answered his question.

"Of course she has never seen one Floyd. She's not even supposed to see us." He replied with a troubled sigh.

"Uhm...you said shrimpy...did you mean me?" You asked the one who's name seem to be Floyd.

"Eh of course I meant you. There's nobody else around is there?" He snickered. You didn't recognize that he was quite close to you.

"But why shrimp? I don't even have the color of one." You looked at him in confusion, you didn't know how to categorize the nickname in bad or good.

"It's because you're cute and tiny~ just like a shrimp!" He answered with a toothy smile. His head lied on his arms when he stared at you.
In your eyes he was quite handsome even for a sea creature, so you turned your head in bashfulness.

"Ahaha look at her Jade, she's blushing! So amusing!" He let out a weird laugh.

"Floyd I think that's enough. We can't risk more humans seeing us." Jade warned him.

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