Lilia Vanrouge x F!deaf! Reader

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Thank you so much for the request @Ruby_izo (*^▽^*)


Tears rolled down your face, one after another. You just discovered your 'boyfriend' with another girl kissing.

He send you a message, saying he was sick and he couldn't meet you because of it. So you went to buy pizza and medicine for him, to cheer him up. When you caught the two, he didn't even care to explain. Without a direction in your mind, you run far away from your so called 'boyfriend'. Of course you took the Pizza and medicine with you, why should you waist money on someone like him?

In the meantime you reached the park. All the tears made your version blurry, so you oversaw some tree roots and stumbled. You didn't care to get up, everything seemed so hopeless. Suddenly you felt how someone shook your shoulder. When you slowly looked up, whine red eyes pierced through your (e/c) colored ones. Those beautiful orbs held a gentle gaze in them saying 'everything will be alright'.  Next, the stranger held his hand out, which you gladly took. You saw how his lips moved. Of course, he didn't know you were deaf.

When you send him a confused glance he immediately seemed to understand. His hand still hold yours gently, when he took you to a bench nearby. You sat next to him and scanned his appearance. His eyes were of course the most part that stood out, but then your gaze landed on his pointy ears. Was he a fae or something?  Than maybe his young looking face wasn't so young after all? Your thoughts vanished when the guy hold a pen with a green diamond in his hand. He begun to draw something in the air. Green letters became visible. Lilia? Was that his name?

You fished a pice of paper with a pencil out of your bag and wrote your name on it. When you showed it to Lilia, a soft smile spread on his face. You just met this mysterious guy, but somehow you felt safe and comfortable around him. A little lost in thought you felt how two hands carefully cupped your cheeks.

Then the pain from before came up again and a tear rolled down your face. A hurtful expression grew on Lilias face. As if he known you for ages, he scooped closer to you and engulfed you in a tight hug. You let all the pain and disappointment out, when you cried into his shoulder. It felt so good to have someone who you could lean on.

Suddenly you felt kind of dizzy. When your eyes fluttered open, you found yourself in an unfamiliar room. It was a bit gloomy in here but also cozy. A electric guitar and other instruments caught your eyes. You felt warmth against your body, that's when you realized that you still clung on Lilia. He just chuckled and placed a kiss on your cheek.
You felt how heat rose up your face.

The way he acted towards wondered if he knew what happened. Nevertheless your heart told you to trust the fae.
As if you were made of porcelain, Lilia carefully took your hand and guided you to his bed. Right know you needed someone to kiss, hug and cuddle. So you lied down on the cozy bed and pulled Lilia on top of you.

The black pink haired first looked a little surprised. A few seconds after, his expression softened and he waited for your next moves. You pulled him by his collar down and kissed him passionately. Lilia kissed back. He then entered your mouth  with his tongue.
After a while you two were out of breath and the fae lied down next to you. Turning around, you cuddled up to him and nuzzled your nose in his neck. You wondered what perfume he used, his smell was intoxicating to you.

Lilia lied his arms around you tightly, as a sign to say 'I'll protect you know and forever'. You could feel how much love he poured in this hug. With that drowsiness spread through your mind and you fell asleep in the face's arms. The last thing you remember was his a warm smile and his hot breath on your face.

A/N: Really hope you like the story and I'm very sorry I took so long T-T❤️

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