Leona Kingscholar x F!Reader - Interests

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This one shot was inspired by the song she's all I wanna be by Tate McRae. Enjoy :)


The golden morning sunlight shone into the bedroom where you and Leona lied in bed. Birds chirped and you let out a small yawn. It was strange. You didn't feel arms around you. Besides you felt kind of cold. You turned your head, only to be met with Leona's back. Usually he held you the hole night in his arms, not letting you go until he woke up. You felt how your heart sunk a bit from disappointment. Even when you got up, he didn't move. You walked to the other side of the bed and watched his steady breathing.
Instead of placing a kiss on his cheek, you left to make breakfast. Was he mad at you?

At some point you felt another presence in the kitchen. The smell of fried bacon and egg probably awakened the drowsy lion. Your eyes however rested on the stove.

"Mornin' " Leona said in a raspy voice and placed a kiss on your cheek.

"Good Morning." You replied, trying to gave him a small smile.

Of course he wasn't your boyfriend if he hadn't seen the disappointment your eyes held. Your behavior was also different from usual.

"Something the matter?" He questioned while carefully putting a strand of hair behind your ear, looking at you from the side.

"No, it's nothing. Breakfast is ready, shall we eat?" You kind of turned his question down, when you sat down to eat.
Leona didn't bother to ask you further and joined you. The two of you ate in silence. From time to time you felt his green eyes on you. You felt uncomfortable, so you got up and cleared the table.

After showering, you grabbed your handbag and wallet.
"I'm going to do some grocery shopping, do you want to join me?"

"Sorry, I've got things to do. Next time." He lazily answered and lied down on the couch. You just rolled your eyes at him. Suddenly a thought plopped up on your mind.

"Leona...do you think that I'm...." You paused.
Leona sat slowly up and bent his right leg where he rested his arm on.

"That you're what...?" He gazed at you in mistrust.


"Ah nothing, I better hurry or else I'll be caught up in bad weather." You nervously laughed at him and left.

Walking trough the streets, you spotted a tall throughly fit young woman. You continued your way to the grocery store. Arrived, you walked directly to the ice department. Before you grabbed Leona's favorite ice cream, the woman from before came into your mind again. Your hand froze in place. What if you were too boring for Leona and he rather wanted a woman like the one you saw? You didn't want to cry in public, so you held your tears back. Suddenly the music in the supermarket was stopped and replaced by news from the radio.

"....the man suddenly pulled out a knife and tried stabbing people. Fortunately nobody was killed, 6 people were hurt. The supermarket has been evacuated for the time being."

"Ah that's horrible!" You gasped. A few minutes later you could finish grocery shopping. When you stepped out, it started raining.

"Great. I forgot my umbrella at home." You facepalmed and pulled the bag up to your shoulder.
Then you heard foot steps coming closer, someone was running in your direction. You panicked. What if it was the attacker from the news?

The scream was stuck in your throat when that someone grabbed both of your wrists. You heart nearly exploded, but then you saw it was Leona. You stared at him with a shocked expression, while you tried to catch your breath. Leona however was as shocked as you. The tears you held back the hole time floated your eyes.

"(Y/N)..." The green eyed pulled you in a tight hug.
"I thought I'd lost you.." he nearly whispered with a crack in his voice beneath your ear. His right arm was wrapped around your waist while his left hand held your head close to his chest. The rain poured down on the two of you.

With a swing he picked you up bridal style.
"W-what are you doing..?" You sniffled.

"Carrying you home of course, stop complaining and be quiet." He replied while holding you close.

After some time you arrived at your apartment. Leona directly carried you to the bathroom. He sat you down and let the bathtub fill with warm water.

"Undress yourself." He commanded.

"Excuse me-"

He helped you up and stood behind you, holding the end of your shirt.
"Your clothes are wet, you're catching a cold. May I?" You were still surprised how respectful he could be.


Leona helped you with your shirt and bra, but only from behind, so he couldn't see anything.
He was so careful not to touch you, you nearly had to chuckle.
"You can do the rest alone right?" He snickered and left the room.
Embarrassed, you undressed fully and lied into the bathtub. A sigh escaped your lips, the warm water felt nice against your skin. Leona knocked on the door, whereupon a 'come in' from you followed. You looked at the soaked beastman.

"Uhm Leona...your clothes are wet as well..

"Huh?...heh, you wanna help me undress that badly?" He smirked at you.

"N-no!! I just-" you blushed at his response.

"Just kidding herbivore~" He pulled his shirt over his head when a question came up to your mind.

"Leona...do you think I'm boring..?" You asked insecurely. He froze and looked at you in irritation or was it confusion?

"I mean I'm not as-" your speech was interrupted by Leona's angry growl.


In an instant he pulled down the rest of his clothes and joined you. He hovered over you, looking more than mad.

"Don't. You. Ever. Say. Something. Like. That. Again" He snarled at you. Then he bit down on your shoulder and near your collarbone. You gasped.

"Leona what are you-"

He shut you up with a deep kiss. When he let off, he gazed deeply in your eyes.

"You're mine. For now and forever. Keep that always in mind. Doesn't matter if I have to remember you multiple times a day." He mischievously smirked at you.

You wrapped your arms around his wide back, and pulled him down to you.

"Thank you Leona...." You whispered.

"Didn't know you had such a tight grip herbivore." He said with a smile in his voice. You let of off him and the two of you left the bathtub.
After getting dry, you and Leona cuddled up in bed. There was it. The arms that wrapped around you and the comfortable warmth you missed so much the other morning. You took one of Leona's hand, placed it beneath your face whereupon he chuckled. Maybe he wasn't the king of the Afterglow Savanna, but he surely was yours.

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