Rook Hunt x F!Reader - First encounter

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Hey there, first of all thank you so so much for 1,17k reads!!!🥺💖I'm really grateful for it and hope that I can brighten up your days a little with my stories🥰Also thanks for the votes😊Now onto the story💖

It was the first day in October, the air got colder and the trees became more colorful. You walked through the park near your home, with a camera in your hand, hoping you'll get a good picture of an animal. The leaves crunched under your boot when you spotted a squirrel gathering acorns. You slowly squatted down, trying not to scare the little creature. Somehow you didn't catch the right angle and your brow wrinkled.
Suddenly a soft voice with a French accent tickled your ear and a gloved hand reached to your camera.

"Not quite...try to hold it and zoom like this.."

Your heart leapt out of surprise.

The angle was now much better as well as the sharpness. When you took a picture, the squirrel finally noticed you and escaped up the tree.
When you slowly turned your head to the side, piercing green eyes met your (e/c) colored ones. You fell backwards because of how close the mystical guy was and your heart raced. He truly was beautiful. Silk like blond hair, which was cut in a bob, a soft charming smile and last but not least those gorgeous hunter green eyes.

"Oh fufu.. I'm sorry if I scared you." He reached his hand to you, helping you up.

"I-it's alright...thanks for helping me, the picture turned out just like I wanted it to." You gave him a shy smile.

"I'm happy I could help! You must be (Y/N) right?"

That was crazy you thought. You never saw the young man around here, how could he know your name?

"Yes that's me...uhm may I know where you know me from? I've never seen you here before." Tilting your head, you looked up to him with a questioning look crossing your face.

"Oh my apologies! I moved here a couple of weeks ago and sometimes I went for a walk in the park. That's when I accidental heard someone call you by that name. I have excellent hearing as well as eyesight you know." A mischievous smile appeared on his face when he bowed.

"Ah...uhm ok? Haha" a nervous laugh escaped your mouth.
"So you seem to know a bit about photography, is it your hobby?"

"Oui! I'm very passionate about photography as well as hunting. I want to see every beautiful  thing in this world. And you're one of them mon petit papillon." He took a strand of your hair, twisted it around his index finger and let it fall back.

A blush rose on your face when you realized he said 'my little butterfly'. This guy sure knew how to flirt.

The hunter was amused about your reaction and a curious twinkle appeared in his eyes.

"Ahaha! I'm glad you like your nickname. You know, you peaked my interest the very first moment I saw you."

"Wait so you mean you stalked me all this time!?"

"Mhm I wouldn't call it stalking directly, just watching from afar." His smirk grew even bigger, he sure enjoyed toying with you.

"Yes that's what I exactly mean by stalking! ...Huh whatever thanks again for helping me, you sure know your thing." The urge to hug him came up in you. You wondered why, you just met this young man but somehow he had something that draw your attention.

"I'm glad to hear! Oh my look at the time, I unfortunately have to go."
He moved closer to you. You inhaled his cologne.

"Just call me when you need someone to talk to or hang out with. Or when you're cold, you seem to heat up fast when I'm close to you fufufu~ Until next time mon petit papillon."  He whispered beneath your ear with an amused smile in his voice.

With that he pressed a small card with this mobile number in your shaky hands and slowly wandered of. This guy made a total mess out of you. You didn't even know what to do with those unknown feelings. Suddenly something came to your mind.

"Ah! I forgot to ask his name..."

That's when he turned halfway around and answered your question.

"It's Rook. Rook Hunt." He winked at you and continued his way home.

"He was already a few meters ahead, his hearing is this good!? Creepy...."
But then you looked at the card and a gentle smile crossed your face. He sure made you feel unique.

"Well maybe I should call him sometime..."

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