Malleus Draconia x F!Reader - Tea Party

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Thank you so much for the character request @meoweiko  (*^ω^*)


It was around 9pm when you finished the strawberry tarts with Trey together. You planned to throw a tea party for Malleus at Ramshackle dorm, of course just with the two of you 🌚 The idea came to your mind when he got left out at Octavinelle's anniversary party. As introverted as Malleus is, he didn't want to admit that he felt hurt by it, but you and Lilia quickly saw through his facade.

"Thank you so much helping me with the strawberry tarts Trey-senpai!"

" *chuckle* no problem (Y/N), I had to do some for tomorrows Unbirthday Party anyways. May I ask for who you made the them?"

"Oh uhm...just for a friend!" Your heart ached a little from the words 'just a friend'.

"Well I'm sure they'll be happy about it. Thank you for helping me with the cleaning, see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah have a good night and see you!" Waving goodbye to Trey, you put the tarts on a plate in the fridge and left Heartslabyuls kitchen.

On your way back to Ramshackle, you thought about how to ask your crush aka Malleus if he wants to intend your tea party tomorrow afternoon. Heat rose up your face and your sweaty hands reached for the gate to your dorm when suddenly fireflies appeared.

"Great timing why does he have to come now!?" panicking you hid the invitation, that you carried around all day long, behind your back.

"Well good evening child of man. What are you doing outside in the cold at this hour?"

"Good evening Tsunotarou! I uhm...had some business at Heartslabyul and just returned."

"I see...fufu say, what are you hiding behind your back?" A mischievous smile crossed the fae's face.

"...! Ok you got me haha...I wanted to ask you if...y-you want to come to my tea party tomorrow afternoon...?" A soft guest of wind blew through your (h/c) hair, when you held the invitation out to him.

At first he just looked at your out reached hand, then deeply in your (e/c) eyes, as if he searched for something. Worry spread from your heart up to your head. The feeling vanished instantly when a loud laugh escaped Malleus' mouth.

"You're so brave little human! Inviting me casually like that to a tea party! I gladly accept the invitation." His smile grew even wider when he took the letter from you.

"B-but please open and read it when your alone in your room! It's kinda embarrassing..." you mumbled the last part while poking with your feet at the ground.

"Fufu~ well then I should be going, before my so called guards come searching for me. Have a good night (Y/N)."

Before you could reply, he already disappeared into the night.
"That went better than I thought.." satisfied with the outgoing, you went inside your dorm.

~Meanwhile in Diasomnia~

"My my, Malleus sure seems to be in a good mood. I wondered if something happened to him in the time he was gone." Lilia mentioned to Silver, who was already half asleep.

The old fae planned to have a talk with Malleus, so he knocked on his door. When no one answered he stepped inside the room.

"Malleus? Oh what's this?"
That's when he spotted a letter lying on his bed. Carefully, Lilia read the lines (Y/N) wrote to Diasomnia's dorm head. A grin spread on the old man's face.

"Kfufufu~ seems I missed some events between those two!"
Suddenly he perceived footsteps, so he quickly put the letter back to where it was.

"Lilia? What are you doing in my room?...Did you read the letter!" Malleus face showed anger and worry, thus he promised the child of man that he'd read the invitation when he's alone.

"Of course not!" He replied with fake surprise and raised his hands in surrender.
"Well then I'll go to bed, it's quite late isn't it? Sweet dreams Malleus!" Another chuckle came from the older one when he left.

~Back at Ramshackle~

It was the next day, when class was finally over and you headed to Heartslabyul to pick up the strawberry tarts. On your way you had to listen to some teasings from Ace, Deuce and Grim referring to the "date". You just ignored them with a twitching brow. Back at your dorm, you could see a tall figure standing before the entrance.

"Tsunotarou? I'm not late am I!?" Panicking you quickened your steps.

"Hey Tsunotarou ! Since when are you waiting?"

"Oh child of man. I came an hour ago, is something wrong with that?" He pouted back.

"A-an hour!? Ah no no it's ok! Just come inside, it's cold out here!" Opening the creaky door, you stopped inside. Malleus followed, ducking his head, so he won't leave prints in the doorframe.
Inside, a warm and cozy atmosphere greeted you two.

"Please have a seat in the armchair before the chimney, I'll be right back!"

You put the strawberry tarts on the table between the armchairs and went to bring some black tea, which you poured in his cup.
The two of you chatted a lot, Malleus told some stories from his childhood and of course funny events that happened with Lilia and the others.

Suddenly your body begun to shake and a sneeze escaped from you. That's weird you felt cold although the fireplace was on. You probably caught a bad cold because of the temperatures outside.

"Child of man come here." When Malleus also noticed, he offered you to sit in his lap. Your face became very red, but not because of the cold.

You didn't think twice and walked with shaky feet over to him. You felt how the fae put his uniform jacket around you and pulled you  to his chest. You sighed in coziness and snuggled up to him. A soft smile appeared on Malleus lips as he dropped a kiss on your forehead.
You knew exactly how you felt about each other words weren't needed.

Somewhere near Ramshackle dorm, a pair of binoculars peaked from the bushes, while the owner let out an amused chuckle.

"Kfufufu I knew it I knew it! Those two lovebirds! Malleus is growing up so fast my heart can't take it!"

"Uhm...father do you really think it's a good idea to spy on them?" Silver asked while scratching his neck. He was highly uncomfortable.

"Why not!? Finally something exciting is happening around here! Good thing we didn't brought Sebek with us!" Lilia replied, while changing the sharpness of the binoculars again.

Hope you like it and thank you for reading!❤️

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