Jade Leech x F!Reader - A broken heart

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A/N: Jade didn't came home and I spend all my gems and keys at him and am pissed🙂🙃So I just wrote to let out my frustration. Enjoy :)
Why? Why did Jade never had time for you? Were you that boring? Was ist your appearance, your voice, your behavior? Multiple time you asked the twin out or to help you with homework. Never did he once agreed. His brother or Azul didn't care much, so you didn't get any advice.
It nearly verged on a miracle. You as a shy person asked someone you really liked for help.
Of course you understood that Jade had lots of work as a Vice dorm head, but even he had time on the weekends didn't he?

Today you wanted to give it one last shot. You apologized to your friends and said they could go ahead. There he was. Because of his height, it was difficult to overlook him. Every time he smiled (even if it was fake) you felt how your heartbeat fastened. When Jade, Floyd and Azul were about to stand up and leave the cafeteria, you quickly approached the trio.

"Oh, look who wants to give u a visit again Jade~" you heard how Floyd chuckled in amusement. This made you feel a bit more depressed because it gave the feeling off you being a hug burden to him. Maybe it was so? You didn't care though and called out to him.

"Uhm...Jade?" The tall one turned around and gazed down at you.

"(Y/N), what a pleasure to see you." He bowed a little. His smile definitely was fake. "Go ahead I will catch up later." He gestured to the other two. They just shrugged and left.

"So what can I do for you today?"
Today? Was he that irritated of you? But you needed an answer.

"I don't wanna disturb you much, but I have such big problems at potionology, so I wondered if you could help me a bit tomorrow after school...?" You held your books close to your chest while looking at the ground.

"Sure thing. Then I guess we see us tomorrow afternoon?" He asked in a gentle tone.
Wait did he just agreed? You couldn't believe you ears.

"Yes! Thank you so much for sacrificing your time!"

"Oh I see no problem in there, I'm glad when I can help. Well then please excuse me, my next class is about to start." With a soft smile he took his leave.
Your legs become a bit wobbly, you finally got Jade Leech to help you with your homework!

~Time skip~

Due to excitement, you were a bit too early in the class room, where Jade was supposed to give you privat tuition. You took out the folder, a collegeblock and your pencil case. The first few minutes you just scrolled through magicam. It got later and later, but Jade was nowhere in sight. He will come....right?

In the meantime it wasn't afternoon anymore, but evening. You sat there for a few hours, but the heterochromatic eyed never came. Had he forgot you? With a lump in your throat you packed your things and left. Your chest felt heavy, like somebody tied stones on your rips.

After some time you arrived at Ramshackle Dorm. Your hand already grabbed the doorknob, when the door flew open.

"Kantouksei!! There you are!" Ace yelled in excitement. Behind him stood Deuce, Grim, Jack and Epel who all wore a worried expression on their faces.

"You have no idea how much we worried about you, we searched everywhere!" Deuce grabbed your shoulder violently, while looking if you were ok. But you were not. You didn't feel the tears that build in your eyes, until they begun falling down your face one after another.

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