Cater Diamond x F!Reader - cooking skills

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Thank you for the request @RiddleSama (*^ω^*)

"How do I look?" You asked Grim when you checked yourself in the mirror.

"Fgnah! I already told you like 10 times that you look FINE! Just leave me alone already!" Grim hoped of your bed, walking irritatedly out of your room.

"Tch. Then do what you want, I don't even need your fucking help!" You yelled after the monster, pointing your hairbrush in his direction. That's when your eyes caught sight of the watch above the door frame.
"Shoot, it's already this late?! I've gotta hurry!!" With that you snatched your bag of your desk and hurried down to the entrance of Ramshackle Dorm. When opening the creaky door, you nearly run into someone's chest.


"Ah...that was a close one. My you look extra cute today Kantouksei!" It was none other than Cater Diamond who greeted you with a cheerful smile.
"Oh it's you...just stop the sweet talk Cater!" You nudged his arm. Although it was just his usually kind of greeting, you couldn't help but to blush a bit.

"No, I mean it! Let's take a selfie!" With that he positioned himself beside you and raised his smartphone.
"Alrighty, that's a nice one. I especially like the blush on your cheeks." He winked at you. This guy. If he'll take it any further you'll probably be exhausted before the day even started.
You waited until he finished typing the hashtags und uploaded the photo.

"Well then, let's go! Just follow Cay-kun." His cheerful type rubbed off on you and washed the last bit of tiredness away.
With that you two wandered off to the main building.
Todays school's blog episode was about finding out, who's the worst cook. The candidates were Kalim, Riddle and Lilia. You never tasted food from any of those three before, so you were quite curious.

After some time you two reached the cafeteria.

A few figures came into view, they seemed to discuss something.

"But headmage Crowley, are you sure it's a good idea to let Lilia Vanrouge into the kitchen?" One of the two ghosts stated in concern.
"You're a five star chef, aren't you?" Crowley asked smiling.

"Y-yes but..."

"Great! Than there should be no problem, right?" The headmage interrupted the ghost and turned around, when he heard you and Cater.

"Ahh our reporters for the school blog, what great timing! Riddle and the others are already in the kitchen, the ghosts will show you the way. Have fun!" With that Crowley left the cafeteria, humming on his way.

"Soo you two are actually five star chefs? Awesome!" You said cheerfully, while snapping a photo of the two.

"That's right! We'll teach those three how to cook probably, but don't think we'll go easy on them!"

"Sounds exciting! Let's go (Y/N)." The oranged haired whispered the last part beneath you ear and took your hand. You were a bit flustered from his actions.
During the preparing of the meals, you and Cater took many photos and wrote down some notes.
Riddle seemed really concentrated, so he won't miss a single instruction. The shape could need a little improvement here and there, but all in all it looked really delicious.

You didn't want to disturb him, so you went on to Kalim. He laughed and seemed to have fun. A smile spread on your face while taking notes, but it vanished slowly when you saw how much spice he added into the frying pan. A shiver run down your spine. To shake of the uncomfortable feeling, you joined Cater, who watched Lilia with interest.

"Soo...why exactly is he here? I already heard rumors from Diasomnia about his cooking." The magicamer whispered to the ghost.

"I don't's a disaster, I can't even watch." The chef replied, nearly crying.

"Uhm hey, how's it going over here?" You asked your partner.

"Oh, Kantouksei! Well...let's say it's quite interesting.." Cater hummed while taking pictures. You could swear to see a sweat drop on his face. When your eyes followed Lilia's movements you understood 'the interesting' part.

Not long after all three candidates were finished with their recipes. As judges, you and Cater took already seats in the cafeteria. You needed three judges altogether. Nobody volunteered, so Floyd decided to drop by.

"Aha Koebi- chan why the pale face, don't you look forward to eat all the food~?

"Aha...taste the food....of course I'm happy to try it.." with a fake smile you turned to Cater.
"Do we really have to eat this...? I mean Riddles meal will surely be delicious but the other two..."

"It won't be this bad...I guess." He whispered back.

And so the testing begun.
As guessed, Riddles food was delicious. You could've melt.

Kalim's food was next and you nearly suggested to call 911 between your coughing.

Last in line was Lilia and you didn't want to try his food. But oh well it was your todays job. The ghosts gave you a sympathetic gaze, when you took the first bite. You wanted to puke but decided it would be rude. Floyd however knew no fear.

"Ehehe it's so gross, amazin'!!" He laughed.
You just facepalmed at the sight. After deciding who the worst cook is (which should be more then clear), Cater returned with you to Ramshackle Dorm.

"What an exciting day, I've got so much content for magicam!" The oranged haired noticed, while he scrolled on his smartphone.
The feeling of jealousy spread through your body. Why paid he more attention to that stupid social media, than to you?!
As if he had noticed the grumpy look on your face, his gaze wandered to yours and he scooped closer to you.

"My Kantouksei, you still have something on your face *chuckle*."

"W-what..where?" In confusion, you touched your face.

"Right here." With that he leaned in and kissed you softly.
After he broke the kiss, you blushed like crazy.
"Y-you tricked me!" You pouted at him.

"Well? It worked, didn't it?" He laughed cheerfully at you.

"Uhm can it again?" You mumbled at him while looking at the ground.
His smile vanished and he looked at you in surprise. Shortly after, a mischievous smirk followed.

"Heh you don't have to ask honey~" Cater grabbed your waist and placed his lips on yours again, but this time the kiss was more passionate.

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