Ruggie Bucchi x F!Reader - Rivals or Lovers?

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Thank you for the request @sour_bunbun (*^▽^*)

"C-can't be...." left (Y/N) lips as she caught sight of her mark on her chemistry test. Her eyebrow twitched in anger.

"What did I even studied for!?" She closed her eyes and tried to suppress a breakout of her emotions. Suddenly she could feel how someone leaned over her shoulder.

"Must suck to study so hard to get an D in the end, shyee hee hee~" Ruggie smirked in amusement.

"Argh just shut it Bucchi!!" (Y/N) turned half on her chair and looked up at him, her brow now twitching more than before. He hit a nerve and he knew it. Just when Ruggie was about to give off another mean comment, someone called out to him from the doorway.

"Oi Ruggie! Quit the flirtin' and bring me a deluxe ham cheese sandwich before practice is startin'!" Leona wore a pissed look on his face.

"A-as if I'd flirt with someone like her!" The hyena answered with a displeased look on his face as he got up and joined Leona.

The girl glared after him. Even if she didn't like Ruggie, comments like this still made her heart ache. She clenched the test in her hand and left the room for the next class.

On her way to history class with Trein she spotted Ruggie leaving the cafeteria. Their eyes met, (Y/N) stuck out her tongue to him while she passed by. The hyena send a confused glance after her. Then he shook his head and made his way to magift practice.

It was afternoon by now and Ramshackles Dorm head went to the library to revise the stuff from the last chemistry test. Unfortunately she wasn't as tall as most of the students of NRC, so she had to get on her tiptoes and reached with all she had for the book in the upper shelf. Suddenly a Savanaclaw student accidentally bumped into (Y/N), which made her lose her balance. The (h/c) haired fell backwards and was luckily caught by someone. When she looked up, she stared directly into bluish-grey eyes, which let a blush grew on her face. Ruggie hold her by the arms, he just stared at her, without saying a thing.

"N-not you again!!" (Y/N) glared at Ruggie while getting out of his grip and stroked her upper arms afterwards.

"There was enough space don't you have eyes in your head!?" She yelled at the Savanaclaw student.

"Y-yes but...sorry.." he responded while he scratched his neck. His gaze first fell on Ruggie, then he looked at the ground.

"Whatever I don't have time for this!" The girl angrily said and walked quickly out of the library to the cafeteria.

While she ate her lunch, she ranted about Ruggie and the hole Savanaclaw dorm.

"Aren't you and Ruggie pretty long now in this fighting thing? How about you just ignore him?" Deuce recommend.

"I already tried but he makes me furious with those comments!" She glanced angrily into the distance.

"Maybe you can take anti aggression lessons with our dorm head together~" Ace chuckled.

Just when (Y/N) was about to scream Ace in he face, another Savanaclaw student came up to her.

"What is it now!?" (Y/N) look furiously up to him.

"W-well.. the dorm head said he head business with you.."

"Leona? What does he want?" She looked questionably at him, but still followed.

On the way to Savanaclaw, thousand thoughts were covering (Y/N)'s mind. She and the student passed the schoolyard, when suddenly a hand grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and pulled her behind a tree. Before she could say anything, a hand covered her mouth. The Savanaclaw student called her, but run off when he couldn't find her.

Eventually the grip around her loosened and she turned around to see who "kidnapped" her.

"Y-you!?" She stared in disbelief as her cheeks became bright red.

"S-sorry I hope I didn't scare you too much.." Ruggie scratched his neck as he looked away.

"Anyway...I wanted to apologize for treating you so gruffly..."

(Y/N) looked with wide eyes at him. Did he seriously just apologize or was it just another dumb trick. She got even more red when she watched how Ruggie carefully placed a blossom from the apple tree in her hair. Then he looked at her and blushed.

"So uhm...will you keep it?" He nervously looked around, while waiting for (Y/N)'s reaction.

The surprised look on her face was replaced by a monotone one, as she took the flower out of her hair and held it in her hands. Ruggies eyes became a bit wider and he felt his heart sunk.

"Why should you accept such a simple gift from someone like me.." he mumbled in disappointment while poking with his feet in the grass. That's when (Y/N) came closer and placed the blossom in Ruggies hair, beside his left ear.

"Suits you!" She smiled brightly which send Ruggies heart racing. Following was a kiss on his cheek and a tight hug from the human girl.
He felt how she clenched his uniform jacket and he returned the hug, nuzzling her. Ruggie couldn't help but smile goofily. Then they broke the hug.

"Your dorm mates were doing that on purpose, weren't they?~" (Y/N) smirked knowingly at the now even more blushing Ruggie.

"W-well..was it that obvious?" He nervously laughed and scratched his neck.

(Y/N) couldn't stand his cuteness and pulled him in for a soft kiss. Ruggie wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

A/N: Sorry I took so long, thank you so much for your patience🙇‍♀️

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