Lilia Vanrouge x F!Reader - Unique in your own way

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"Kfufu~ you're eating mushroom risotto again today Silver. Aren't you tired of it?"

"No, I really love this dish, I could eat it for the rest of my life. Especially since Jade is the one who picked the mushrooms, he has good taste." Silver answered with delight, when he took another bite.

"Well then, I'm glad to hear this. You know we can always cook something together if you'd like-" that's when Lilia noticed that a shy looking girl entered the cafeteria, searching for a place to eat.

Every time I see her she has this gloomy look on her face, like Malleus when he wasn't invited again...Beside she always seems to be alone... Lilia was deep in thoughts, so he didn't notice Silver calling out for him.


"Ah! I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Is everything ok? I was asking if you would like to return to our Dorm, lunch will be over soon."

"You're Right, let's go before Sebek becomes impatient." Diasomnias Vice President chuckled with his carefree smile. He turned one last time in your direction, only to send you a worried glance.

There you were sitting, eating lunch alone again. Sure you were an introvert person but was this the reason why nobody wanted to talk to you? It was like you're air, just another person in this room who nobody cared about. Even when you were the last person in the classroom, nobody waited for you.
Not that it was new to you. You were always like this, even in middle school. An outsider. Still you hoped new school - new friends.

Well guess I was wrong...

Finishing your lunch you headed to the next class.

By the end of the day you were more than exhausted. The fluffy cushions on your bed felt nice against your skin. Finally you could relax.
Night fell and you tried to sleep - well *tried*.
Your loneliness got the better of you and tears were slowly running down your rosy cheeks and nose.

"Why can't I find a true friend? Am I that boring? I just don't understand...Maybe it's my fault and I should change my personality...." Sobbing in your bedsheets you tried to find a solution, until you heard a gentle voice coming from your open window.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Huh?....Aren't you Diasomnias Vice President Lilia Vanrouge? What are you doing here?" Wiping your tears with your sleeve, you looked up to the pale guy.

"Hehe~ that's right dear~And you must be (Y/N) (L/N).

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh that's not important at the moment. I think we have a much bigger problem here."

"We have? And what would that be?" You asked the fae with a confused glance.

"You crying of course~! I want to see your beautiful smile, not that gloomy face anymore!"

"I-I don't think my smile is beautiful, you haven't even seen it, so stop with the sweet talk!" A small blush creeped up your face, when you avoided eye contact.

"That's right, I haven't seen it yet and that's why I would like to take a walk and chatter a bit with you."

"Uhmmm....I don't know.....B-but I can't sleep I guess it's f-fine with me..."

Getting slowly out of bed, you made your way to the door, or that's what you planned.

"Where do you think your going darling~?

"...? Outside?"

"Hahaha are you serious? Doors are for people with no imagination~"

"Are you kidding? You expect me to jump from the 3rd floor?"

"Of course not!"

Suddenly Lilia came closer, which made you quite nervous. He scooped you up and took you piggyback.

"Hold on tight and close your eyes.."
Before you could answer, he jumped out of the window. While holding on for dear life, you felt a cold breeze against your cheek. (Twilight vibes ahaha😅)

"Hehe...You can open your eyes now (Y/N)..Hey, are you alright?" The baby faced third year asked you with a little worry in his voice.

"....Hahahah! That was amazing!!" Suddenly you broke into a grin while letting go of Lilia.
He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that excited smile of yours. He could swear his heart was beating faster in this moment. When was the last time he felt like this? The old man couldn't remember.

"See! I knew you had a beautiful smile, you should show it more often. Suits you very well kfufu~"

Seriously you weren't even noticing that a smirk was crossing your face. It was a bit embarrassing, so you covered your mouth with your arm.

"A-anyway..." you mumbled while walking ahead.
You two found a bank under a tree where you sat.

"The sky is truly beautiful tonight. So clear, you can see every star even the tiniest." Lilia said with a sparkle in his eyes, as he looked up the sky. You let out a sigh of relief.

"Why are you always alone? Don't you have a friend in your class?" the fae asked with a concerned gaze.

That's when you decide to open up to him. You told him how you were bullied in elementary school, especially by boys and your loneliness continued in middle school. One or two times you had friends but they were only using you.

"But that's not a reason to change your character. That's the worst thing you could do." The third year gazed deep in your (e/c) eyes.
"Beside your true personality is the reason why you're at this school. Because there's something unique about you and your magic." He pointed to your heart as he gave you a warm smile.

"But most of the others in my year can handle their magic way better than me. I feel so weak in contrast to them...Like a total fool..."

"Oh dear...kfufu~ you young things are all so impatient these days. Isn't it a nice thing that we all are different living beings? Wouldn't it be boring if we'd be all the same? No one is born a master, even Malleus makes mistakes. So please don't pressure yourself and stop with the comparing to others. Always remember, you're unique in your own way."

This was all you need to hear to make your heart melt. Never once in your life someone said such caring words to you. Of course it was a bit strange because the red eyed talked like he was an old grandpa, who gave you advices for life. But you didn't care at this moment. Relief was rushing through your body and you leaned your head against Lilias shoulder, at which he smiled softly. You didn't really knew him, but your heart told you that he's worth your trust.

This night you found a true friend, one that will always stick to you, no matter what will happen. Many fun evenings followed, where you played video games with him all night long. You even met Silver and Sebek, who at first where kinda strange but now also your closest friends.

Hey y'all^^ First of all thank you so much for nearly 200 reads, it really means a lot to me! It's so fun to write these stories and not only to keep them to myself anymore. Hope you like this Lilia x Reader as well and thank you so much for reading! And always remember, believe in yourself and your skills, no matter what you're going through! Wish all of you a nice day❤️ xoxo

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