Jack Howl x GN!Reader - !NSFW!Lost in the heat

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Thank you for requesting @The_Energetic_Weeb (*'ω'*)

"Where is Jack by the way?" Ramshackles dorm head asked their friends from Heartslabyul.

"I don't know...he said he wasn't feeling so well." Deuce replied while he continued to eat his lunch.
(Y/N) wrinkled their brows at Deuce's response, it totally wasn't Jacks way at all to not attend class, even if he was ill, what rarely happened. The magic less human begun to worry.

"I'm sure he's alright. This is Jack we're talking about. Come on now we've gotta go back to our dorm and feed the flamingos or else we'll have our heads off.." Ace groaned in irritation as he and Deuce got up and said goodbye. (Y/N) and Grim made their way back to Ramshackle dorm as well.

Arrived, the (h/c) haired stopped for a moment.

"What is it now? Let's go inside, I'm so sleepy..." Grim complained as he looked a bit drowsily at you.

"Go ahead, I'll be right back!" (Y/N) informed their companion, turned on their heels and dashed off, leaving a confused Grim behind.

(Y/N) run to the room of mirrors to enter Savanaclaw. In the dorm lounge, a surprised Ruggie run into Ramshackles dormhead.

"Uh can I do something for you? If you search for Leona, he went off napping somewhere-"

"No thanks for the information but I'm here because of Jack. Is he here?" (Y/N) asked in concern.

"J-Jack? He's in his room but...." Ruggie looked awkwardly away, as he scratched his neck. Just when he wanted to continue his sentence, (Y/N) already made their way up to Jacks room.

"Ah hey wait you can't!..." Ruggie just sighed. "Well not my problem...I've gotta search for Leona anyway."

(Y/N) was a bit out of breath when they reached the room of their friend. But before they could even knock on the door, a strong arm pulled them inside and the magic less human found themself being pressed with the back against the door. Facing them was Jack, but he his face was read and he seemed to sweat a bit.

"Jack, are you running a fever!?" (Y/N) said worriedly, touching the Savanaclaw students forehead with their hand.

"Don't you dare touching me! Why did you even come here!?" He replied angrily as he tightened his grip on them.
(Y/N) was surprised to see their friend this mad.

"D-did I do something wro- mmphh!!" The (h/c) haired was shut up by Jack kissing them roughly and undressing them in between. Afterwards he picked (Y/N) up in his arms and carried them over to his bed, not breaking eye contact.
(Y/N) felt a heat rose up in them and a blush spread on their cheeks. Was this what Jack felt all this time?
Suddenly the beastman got up, searched for something in his closet and came back with a blindfold, which he placed on (Y/N)'s eyes and bound it behind their head to cover their sight.

"W-what are you doing!?" The human asked nervously as their sense of touch was now even more sensitive. Moans escaped their mouth as Jacks fingertips delicately run along their skin.
He closed his eyes at (Y/N) voice, trying to control himself.

"Kneel." Jack coldly commanded.

"Y-yes master..."( Y/N) did as they were told.

"W-what did you just say?" The magic less human could hear how excited Jack was.
Instead of answering, (Y/N) was attacked with kisses all over their body. How were they supposed to cover their neck the next day?

"I think I've changed my mind." Jack said as he placed (Y/N) on the bed again. He laid them on their belly and rose their rear up, digging his nails into their hips.

"Beg." He seductively whispered next to their ear.

"P-please fuck me hard master!!" (Y/N) half moaned the answer and nearly screamed in pleasure, as Jack entered their hole with his hard length. Moans and groans filled the room.

"You like that don't you?" The beastman asked between his thrusts and although (Y/N) couldn't see Jack, they were sure to hear a smile in his voice.

The dark skinned switched positions here and then, always making sure he was the dominant in this game. He made (Y/N) cum many times, but he had his fun himself, you could tell by the bites marks (Y/N) had all over them, especially on their shoulders. When Jack came for the last time, he fell next to his friend and untied the blindfold.

"Well that sure was a good workout.." (Y/N) chuckled while trying to catch their breath.

Jack just grinned at his magic less friend and pulled them close. (Y/N) nuzzled Jack, as they were happy to be with him.

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