Training- Cole

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You throw rapid punches and kicks at a punching bag, knocking them off the chains after a few hits. You loved your strength- it made you feel like your dad.

"One.. Two.. Kick! One.. Two.. Punch!" You cry to yourself, beating the last bag, the heaviest one. "One.. Two.. Spinjitsu!" You scream and spin, knocking the bag off its chain. You've pretty much mastered spinjitsu, so this wasn't much of an accomplishment.

"Y/N!" Your father called from the doorway. "Come on, you've been stalling long enough!"

You bite your lip and waddle over to the training field... In front of you are several dummies and cut outs. This was the part you hated about training.

Pulling up the hood of your ninja outfit, you begin.

"One.. Two.." You gulp and stomp on the ground.

Nothing happens.

"O-One.. Two.."

Nothing happens.

"Take your time! Remember, all your energy and force into your feet!" Cole instructs. You nod unsurely and keep your eyes locked straight ahead.

"One! Two! Quake!" You holler and stomp once again. The ground trembles and cracks open in front of you, all the dummies fall in. You grin and slide on the ground, stomping again, causing spiked rocks to form under the cut outs.

You giggle like mad and run to Cole. "I did it! I did it!" You squeal. Cole raises a brow and smirks. "Did what? Destroy the training hall, or used your element?"

You blush in embarrassment and pout. "Whatever!" You tap the ground lightly with your toe, and the ground under Cole swallows his lower half. "Hey!" Cole yelps. "Not again.."

You giggle and run off to get your camera. You were definitely keeping his picture.

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