First Crush- Kai

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-You are now 10 (Grade 5)-

You're writing in your notebook as the teacher talks. Something about division getting you somewhere in life... You weren't paying much attention. You were writing what you thought you heard, which included a carrot, a horse, and a blue falcon.

You were really out of it.

But you couldn't help it. Your gaze stayed trapped on the boy across from you... He had the cutest smile and a sparkle in his eye. He was a total misfit, but you didn't mind.

Soon, you realized what was happening. You were falling for him.

Like in those after school programs you see every night, the girl slowly falls for the guy, without realizing it.

... You liked him.

The idea excited you. Now, you thought, life got real. If you liked him, he could be your boyfriend, and your life could get started!...

But one thing you forgot to consider was...

Your dad.

You collapse on your bed as soon as you get home, your thoughts swirling of the dreamy boy in your class. You began listing the reasons you liked him, in case he asked...

Snapping you out of your thoughts was your dad, at the doorway. "Hey kiddo. How was school?" Kai asks. You squeal and kick your feet a bit in excitement.

"It was amazing! There's this guy in my class, he's adorable! He asked me for-get this- a pencil! Ooooh I just know this is gonna be the great start of a relationship!" You say dreamily. Kai looks at you confused, slowly processing what he just heard, then his eye bug out.

"Wait- a guy?!" He yelps. You sigh and lay back on your bed, feeling like a girl in a highschool drama film. "Not just a guy... The guy..." You coo. Kai kneels next to you in bed with a nervous look on his face.

"... Y/N, you're far to young to be dating- let alone crushing on boys... I think you're letting this get to your head..." He says softly. You sit up in bed and look at him half insulted, half confused. "Too young? I'm plenty mature to date!" You reply.

"Y/N..." He sighs. "You'll understand someday... But for now, don't get ahead of yourself. You can like this... Guy, if you want... But don't tell him, or anybody else... Keep it between us, okay? For daddy?"

You sigh and look at your hands, trying to hide how disappointed you were. "Okay..." You agree softly. Kai smiles and takes your hand, walking you out of your room. "How about we go get ice cream?" He asks. You smile and nod happily.

You two stuff yourselves with all the ice cream you could eat.

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