You were playing around with Kai's video game system, trying to beat your daddy's high score. Of course, being a child, you weren't very good. And being the child of a hot headed ninja didn't help much.
"Darn it! I can't get past this stupid level!" You holler at the game, tossing down the remote in anger. The remote hits the game console and it bursts to flames. You stare in fear and shock, quickly extinguishing the fire.
"Why the heck did that set fire?!" You stare at the burning hot controller... What had happened?
"Aah! Y/N! What the heck did you do?!" Kai yelped as he ran over, seeing the smoke emitting from the game console. "I.. Um.. Rage quit?" You ask with a nervous giggle. He gave you a fierce look you'd never seen before... it scared you. What was this emotion?
"Y/N, do you realize how much that thing cost?! You need to be more responsible with other people's stuff!" He yelled. You shivered scared, paralyzed by fear. "I-It was an accident, Daddy! I'm sorry!" You cry.
"Sorry doesn't fix it!" He snapped coldly. Tears stung your eyes, and you ran. You ran from the monastery, ran from your family...
Ran from your daddy.

Ninjago Daughter Scenarios
RandomYou're found as an abandoned baby by one of the ninjas, who takes you in. He cares for you, teaches you, and overall... Loves you.