Bad School Day- Lloyd

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You're swinging happily on the school's swing set without a care, swinging higher and higher. You keep a big grin on your face, never wanting to get off.

Suddenly, someone grabs the swing seat and stops you, causing you to launch forward and hit the sand. You spit out sand and glance back, seeing the class bully grinning proudly as he takes your swing.

"Um, excuse me! That was my swing." You snap, storming over. "Did you guys hear something?" He asked the other swingers. They gulped and ditched the scene. "Wh-You can't just ignore me!" You growled.

"La la la~ I can't hear you." He laughs as he swings. You growl angrily. "Why I outta..." A green light shines from your hands as anger boils up. The guy noticed and blinks. ".. What the.."

"Ninja go!" You scream as you spin, spinning off into the school after launching a bunch of sand at the guy.

--- (After School) ---

You arrive home, physically and emotionally exhausted. The guy spread rumours about you being alien, after doing spinjitsu. And everybody's been calling you a freak.

"D-Daddy?" You call, walking through the monastery. Your daddy walks over with a worried look. "Gumdrop? What's wrong?" He asks concerned.

"C-Can you come to school tomorrow and beat up some mean kids?" You ask, trembling in anger. "At l-least show them spinjitsu... O-Or that you're the green ninja?... Th-Then they won't call me a f-freak..."

Lloyd's eyes widened. "Gumdrop..
Y/N... I can't hurt them..." He says quietly. You run into his arms and cry. "Th-Then do something else! I-I'm not a freak! I'm not!" You scream into his chest. Lloyd softly strokes your hair.

"You're right... You're no freak. You're my daughter, and you're more special then all those kids combined..." He whispers with a smile. You wipe your tears and look at him.

"C'mon, let's go see the principal... He can do something." He smiled and took your hand, walking you to your school.

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