Saved? -Jay

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You sat on the cold, stone floor, the sack over your head. It smelled awful... Like Cole's cooking when he leaves it in the fridge for too long.

The bag was pulled off your head, allowing you to get a view of where you were. Surrounding you were stone soldiers... They all had their glowing red eyes. They almost seemed... Robotic.

"Where am I?" You ask to no one in particular. You weren't too frightened anymore.. considering your dad had once told you that the soldiers can't do anything unless someone is commanding them with the helmet..

And the helmet's been gone for years.. Hadn't it? At least.. That's what you'd been told.

"Welcome. You're now standing on top of tallest peak in all of Ninjago." A gruffled stone voice chimes. Your pupils dilate as one of the buffer warriors steps forward. "We plan to test your abilities as the offspring of the ninja of lightning."

"Test my abilities? You mean fight? I'm in!" You grin. "It should be easy to knock out some rocks!"

"Oh. But you don't understand, young child..." The warrior cackles softly. ".. We want you to summon lightning, from the storm clouds conveniently hovering above us. If you do so, and impress us.. You and the ninja will be spared. However.. If you fail..."

The red eyes of the soldiers glow as they close in by one strong step each. "You will be the death of the ninja."

Your heart drops into your stomach. You gulp, feeling your chest begin to ache. The stress was on. "O.. Oh.. S-Sure..! I can totally... Do that.." You lie.

"Excellent. Since you are young, we will give you a certain amount of time you must finish this task within. You have 1 hour to conjure the Lightning." The head warrior announces.

You slowly nod, tugging on your ninja hood, biting your lip. "... Begin now." The warrior yells.

You stand in a position, as if acting like you actually knew what you were doing.

How were you suppose to do this?! You've never seen your dad do it before-- not without his weapon. You didn't have a weapon.

Heck, you didn't even know if you had elemental powers to begin with.

You had to.. For ninjago's sake, you had to find some way of getting lightning.

You waved your arms around, you attempted spinjitsu, everything you could think of that might make lightning.

Eventually, you tired yourself out after 20 minutes of non stop flailing. "I cant... Do this... I don't have elemental powers.." You whine.

"You must. You are the offspring of the ninja of lightning." The commander warrior replies sharply. "You can do spinjitsu. Clearly that means--"

You let out a deep sigh. "It's because I've practiced spinjitsu for years! I'm sure anyone could do it if they tried!"

"Enough! Conjure lightning or Ninjago will fall!" The commander shouts.

You shut your eyes, trying to focus all your energy...

You can do this...

You can do this!

You shoot a small spark into the sky, which made a small firework before vanishing.

".. Does that count..?" You smile nervously. The Warriors didn't seem impressed. ".. Anyone can make fireworks."

You scowl. "Just you wait. When my dad gets here.. "

"Your father isn't coming anytime soon..." The commander scoffs. "Why would he check this peak, of all places? It'll take him days to discover this very locat--"

"I'm coming Y\N!!" Jay's cry is heard from above. You look up, seeing the ultra dragon, carrying the ninja over.

"... How.. Did he..?" The commander asks in a robotic tone of confusion.

Jay jumped off the dragon, and landed in front of you, wielding his nunchucks. "Back away, you stone jerks!" He hisses. "Nobody messes with my daughter!"

"Or our neice." Cole growls, as he lands with the others.

"No retreating! Get them!" The commander howls.

A full on battle broke out. The ninja vs the stone warriors. Of course, you being younger.. They wouldn't let you help.

You were forced to watch, and be protected by the ninja, as they tossed the Warriors off the peak, and down into a lake.

You hear a cry of pain, whipping around to see your dad being cornered near the ledge of the peak. His arm appeared broken, his nunchucks a good distance away.

"Dad!" You cry. The ninjas were all busy fighting, and were unable to assist Jay. You grab Jay's nunchucks, scale the wall, flip, and land in front of your dad.

"Y-Y/N! Get out of here! It's too dangerous!" Jay cries in fear. You keep a determined glare at the Warriors cornering you and Jay. "You want lightning?! I'll give you lightning!"

You twirl the nunchucks above your head, sparks zapping from it as it seems to glow. You feel electricity flowing through you, as the storm clouds above begin to rumble.

"Stay away from my family!" You screech, as the lighting comes down and strikes the group of Warriors. They topple off the side of the cliff and into the lake with the others.

The commander, seeming shocked... Called back his troops. "She's too strong... Retreat!" He snaps as they all fled back underground.

When the soldiers all left, you collapsed to your knees. You breathed heavily, your chest hurting. "I-- I didn't.. I shouldn't have.. I.. How.." You wheezed, anxiety rising.

"Hey hey hey..." Jay whispers and hugs you with his one good arm. "It's okay, sparky... You did good..."

"I.. I didn't.. I thought.." You rambled, not knowing what you were trying to get across.

The ninja all gather around you, proud smiles on their faces. ".. You know what this means, right?" Kai asks.

"N.. No..? What?" You ask softly, after calming yourself down.

".. You're a lightning elemental ninja." Zane nods.

Your eyes widen, tears pricking. ".. I'm.. A real ninja..?"

"You will be. And when you are.. You'll be one heck of a fighter." Lloyd chuckles, messing up your hair.

"We're proud of you, Y/N." Your dad smiles widely. You pull all the ninja into a group hug, a wide smile onto your face.

"Thank you.."


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