Kai walked down the empty streets of Ninjago City one late night, exhausted from the recent mission. "Dang... Who ever thought it'd be so hard to watch a couple of lions? Geez.." He rubbed his aching neck and sighed.
As he passed by an alleyway, he stopped. He heard something down there. Turning back, he peeked in, getting out his weapon and getting in a defensive stance as he slowly inched closer to the sound. It was muffled, but still loud.
He stopped as he came to a small box, with a soft cry coming from the inside. Kai slowly put away his weapon and cautiously opened the box, and gasped at what he saw.
You, a helpless baby, was curled up in a ball crying, holding a small blanket which you were wrapped in. You stopped crying and looked up at Kai with your innocent E/C eyes, as his heart melted at the sight of you.
"Hey there, lil guy- er.. Girl." Kai smiled a bit as you reached up at him. He chuckled and carefully picked you up, holding you close. "Aw.. You're kind of cute.." Kai cooed, then looked around. ".. Weird... Why're you all alone?"
"... And why am I talking to a baby?" Kai rolled his eyes at himself, and leapt onto the rooftop, deciding to take you back to the Bounty.

Ninjago Daughter Scenarios
RandomYou're found as an abandoned baby by one of the ninjas, who takes you in. He cares for you, teaches you, and overall... Loves you.