Birthday! - Kai

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~You are now 6-7~

Your tired eyes open slowly, as you yelp in shock as you see all the ninja staring at you. "Hi Y/N!" Jay smiled wider than usual. "Uh.. Hi?" You stare confused. "I don't think she knows that day it is..." Cole muttered to Lloyd.

"What? What is it?" You ask, annoyed they were keeping something from you. "Seriously? You'd think she'd remember the most important day of her life." Jay says and Kai rolled his eyes.

Zane rolled his eyes and shoved his brothers aside. "Y/N, it is your birthday." He pats your head. "You're 7 starting today."

Your eyes brighten as you leap up. "Oh yeah! I totally forgot!..." You squeal and run in circles. "Birthday birthday birthday birth--" you hit something and fall back. Looking up, you see Kai smiling down at you.

"Y/N.. I got you a present." Kai held out a small red bag. You grin and open the bag... A smaller box, containing a beautiful fiery ruby amulet. Your daddy helps puts it on, and it fits tightly around your neck, perfect for training.

"Daddy, I love it!" You hug Kai tightly, trying your hardest not to cry. "It's beautiful!"

"We also have gifts for you." Zane smiles as each ninja holds out a bag of their colour.

Jay got you a controllable plane with a pack of stickers to decorate.

Cole got you fingerless gloves for training, and a toy sword.

Zane got you a F/C, F/A stuffy with huge, adorable eyes.

And Lloyd got you a huge sack of all your candies.

You hug each ninja and smile. "Thank you, this is the best day ever!" You run in circles giggling. "Don't forget grandpa Wu, young one." Wu smiles as he walks in. You turn and are handed some clothing folded up with a red bow.

You take off the bow and hold up the clothing... Your own ninja suit.

It was F/C with small, harmless bronze spikes. You spun and changed into it, pulling up the hood. You grab the toy sword and leap into the air, spinning and throwing the sword at Jay. It bounces off his head and he fakes a death.

"Oh nuuuuu! I killed Jay!..." You turn to the others who are holding in giggles. A huge outburst of laughter escaped the room as Jay sat up and chased you with your own sword.

"Ninja- GO!" You yell and jump off a wall, spinning with an orange blitz surrounding you as you swipe the sword from Jay and land perfectly.

Everybody stares.

You stare back confused.

Then it dawns on you...

You just did spinjitsu.

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