His Sick Angel- Lloyd

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You're curled up in bed, wiping your tear filled eyes. You weren't crying- it was spring, and you were having a serious allergic reaction. Your eyes kept watering, and you'd gone through 12 tissue boxes already.

"Hey Y/N? I got you some more allergy pills... These ones will work, I swear." Lloyd says as he walks into the room, holding a bottle of pills.

You gulp. "I can't swallow pills! It's scary! What if I choke?!" You ask panicked, feeling yourself actually tearing up. Lloyd shushed you and strokes your hair gently. "No no... You won't have to swallow them." He says softy, calming you down.

You wipe your eyes with tissue again, as Lloyd gives you some yogurt. You squint through the tears and see small sprinkles of something on the top.

"Wazzat?" You ask with a stuffy nose. Lloyd takes a spoonful of yogurt and puts it in front of your mouth. "I smashed up the pill so you can eat it in yogurt." He replies as you eat the yogurt.

It had tiny bitter taste... But still better than any swallowing pill!

You feel your sinuses clear up, your eyes water a bit less. You grin as you start feeling better again. "Awesome!" You cheer and devour the yogurt. Your daddy chuckles and kisses your forehead.

"Get some rest, I'll check on you later."

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