You curl up in bed, sniffling and shivering. You have 3 blankets wrapped around you, and 6 tissue boxes. You let out a powerful sneeze, startling Zane as he walks in.
"Y/N, you seem ill." He says softly. You sniffle and glare at him. "No kibbing." You snap rudely, then sigh. "Sorry Zame... I hab a terrible code..." You sneeze.
"Where is your father? He should be-" Zane was cut off by Kai tramping him, and rushing to your side. "Lil angel, are you okay? I thought I heard you sneeze again! Here-I made some
nice chicken noodle soup, and brought several medications for all cold symptoms!" He blurts so quickly, even Zane didn't understand."Dabby- I'm fine. Id's dust a code..." You blow your nose for about the 26th time today. "But from a cold, you're vonerable to all other sicknesses! The flu, chicken pox... Voice loss?!" He replies and shoved a spoonful of cold medicine in your mouth.
You gag and glance at Zane, your eyes pleading for help. "Brother, perhaps you should leave the young one with me... You have chores and training to complete." Zane says, pulling your daddy back.
"But-But- she's--!"
"She's in capable hands. Now off you go!" Zane shooed him away and closed the door. "Thang you, Zame." You sigh in relief.
"Of course. Now lay down, I will tend to your illness." Zane smiles.

Ninjago Daughter Scenarios
AléatoireYou're found as an abandoned baby by one of the ninjas, who takes you in. He cares for you, teaches you, and overall... Loves you.