You're playing basketball with some friends, shooting the ball into a tri-coloured bucket, where it was rolled to another side. (I'm not the only one who knows what this is... Right?)
You step back, tired, and take a break. You sip from your water bottle and wipe your mouth, noticing out of the corner of your eye...
Some 6th graders picking on your classmate.
You slam down the bottle and storm over, your friends all warning you not to get close.
"Hey!" You holler. "Leave him alone!"
The grade 6's glare at you, allowing the boy to escape after mouthing a 'thank you'.
"Hey! Look what you did! Now who're we suppose to poke fun at?!" The first guy hissed. "Somebody your own size!" You hiss back. The second guy smirked. "You seem about our size... In sass!"
"And I'm proud of it." You put your hands on your hips and glare. "Oooh, we got a smart ass over here." The third one laughed. You cringed at the word. Those were works you only heard in tv shows... Which you DON'T WATCH. >_>
The boys smirked, noticing how uncomfortable you were with their choice of words. "Oh, what's wrong? Can't take a bit of cussing?" The second cackled.
"You.. You shouldn't be using that language! It's bad!" You scold, backing away slowly. "What're you gonna do to stop us, b!tch?!" The first yelled. Tears stung your eyes. You didn't know what most words meant.. But you knew that one well.
You turn on heel and run off into the school, tears streaming down your cheeks.
--- (After School) ---
You run to your room after being tormented all day by that one word. What they called you... It hurt. You curl up in a corner, hugging your knees to your chest as if for dear life.
Cole walked in, smiling. "Hey Kiddo! How was your da--" he stopped and worry took over his expression, seeing you close to crying.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Your daddy asked concerned, kneeling in front of you. Tears stream down your cheeks and you hug him tightly, sobbing. "Th-These jerks in g-grade 6...! They called me a.. A bad word!" You cry into his chest.
Cole's eyes are filled with worry. "What did they call you?" He asks. You look at him in fear as you tell him. His eyes go wide and he picks you up.
He walks out to grab the telephone from the kitchen and dials a number.
"Hello? Yes, this is Cole, Y/N's father... I'd like to speak with the principal. Now."

Ninjago Daughter Scenarios
SonstigesYou're found as an abandoned baby by one of the ninjas, who takes you in. He cares for you, teaches you, and overall... Loves you.