Grandpa Wu- Kai

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~You're now 4 years old~

Kai was out on a mission with the others, and he wouldn't let you come. You lean on the low railing of the monastery, pouting sadly, thinking of all the awesome things your daddy was doing... And you were missing it.

"You seem troubled, Y/N." Your grandpa Wu walked by and stood next to you. You looked up at him and frowned. "I wanna go on a mission with daddy.. But he says they're too dangerous..."

"And he's right." Wu replied, and you frowned more. "You're just a child, and barely know spinjitsu... Even if you were to watch from a distance, you would be in danger." He patted your head softly.

"I guess so." You sigh stubbornly. Grandpa Wu chuckled. "Come with me... I have something you may enjoy. Your father will be very pleased." He took your tiny hand and walked you to the training hall.

Your eyes traced the course Wu had set up for you. It was simple, but also difficult. "Get through the course with the technic I taught you last week." He instructed, sitting down and sipping some tea.

You nod firmly and wait for his go...




Kai walked onto the monastery with his brothers, tired from the fight. Luckily, nobody got hurt except for Jay... Who fell on his face trying to do a flip... Dirt marks stained his face.

"Y/N!" Kai called out, seeing you not in your usual spot. "Y/N?" He raised a brow and walked into the training hall, jaw dropped.

You were ripping through the course with ease, flipping and spinning like a pro on the kiddie course. "Jump back.. Kick.. Flip.." You spoke instructions to yourself, as you did the movements. "And spin!"

Your foot left the post and an light orange blitz appeared around you. "Y/N?!" Kai gasped, scaring you. You stumbled in the air and lost focus, the blitz vanished and you rolled to the ground, unharmed.

"Daddy!" You gulp a bit. "You scared me! I almost had it!" You whined and crossed your arms. "That was extremely dangerous!... I said you had to wait until you were older to try spinjitsu!" Your father scolded.

"The younger the student, the easier they learn..." Grandpa Wu replied, placing a hand on your dad's shoulder. "Sensei... She's barely 5!" Kai resorted.

"Leave her be... If you had not witnessed her almost successfully doing spinjitsu.. You may never let her try. 4 is the age to teach the young.. If not, younger." Wu replied sternly, hitting your daddy in the back of the head with his staff. You giggle.

"Ugh.. Fine..." Kai sighed and rubbed his head, kneeling down to you. "Y/N, I am so proud of you.. I really am.. If you're going to continue spinjitsu with Sensei... Swear you'll be careful?" He stroked your hair and you smile wide.

"I promise!" You giggle and hug him tightly, as he lifts you up and gives you a piggyback ride. Kai walks for the door, you turn and wave to your grandfather. "Bye grandpa Wu! Thank you!"

Sensei Wu waves back slowly, with a smile the other ninja had never seen.

He was a grandfather.

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