First meeting

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Where y/n gets lost on the subway trying to go back to her new home in queens and meets a certain brown haired boy...

Warning: slight language? and a lil fluff

Pairing: Peter x fem!reader

Status: strangers...for now ;)


Please TELL ME WHY NEW YORK HAS SO MANY SUBWAYS. I've been trying to find my subway stop for the past 20 minutes! And I only have 10 mins left before it leaves! So I'm basically scrambling trying to find train 21C. while I was running, I saw a brown haired boy wearing a blue long sleeve shirt and a dark blue jacket, listening to music. The wire of his earphones is tucked behind his shirt, and his curls are loosening from the gel he put on.

I really couldn't keep my eyes off of him so I just followed, I couldn't find my subway anyway so what do I got to lose? He finally stopped walking and guess which train he takes...21C. talk about coincidence, I mentally thanked him, even though I don't know this incredibly handsome stranger. and got in the train. I took a seat and scanned the train to find him again.

Peters POV

I was walking to my train, running a little late, but I felt like I was being watched due to my spidey senses, I just shrugged it off coz I had to get to this train as soon as possible. Once I got in, I decided to stand the whole way, because other people need the seat more than I do. And I just kept scrolling through my phone until the train started moving and I couldn't control my hands and the phone just slipped out of my fingers.

So the phone fell on the ground, I bent down to take it and I felt the same feeling, like I was being watched, so when i stood up I looked infront and saw..probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.


Our eyes locked, OUR FREAKING EYES LOCKED, i can see him fully now, his (know I know) brown eyes and lightly freckled face looked at me with...a slight smile? OH MY GOD HES SMILING AT ME...GOD Y/N SMILE BACK! and thankfully I did. he kept staring at me and I obviously stared back...until the announcement came up scaring the both of us.


After the announcement i shuffled at my seat trying to get comfortable, putting on my headphones and turning my "while at the subway" playlist I created 30 mins ago. And I kept seeing this boy stealing glances towards me which made me blush.

Peter POV

Ok ok she's so pretty how did I not see her before? I could've looked forward to go to the subway more? Wait- maybe she's new here...I CAN GIVE HER A TOUR- ok stop Peter she's probably new here and I don't know if we'll be friends, hopefully we will be friends...and more OK STOP. I got interrupted by ned texting me.

Guy in the chair 🤓: Ned

Pickle Parker 😜: Peter

Guy in the chair 🤓: Pete, u there yet?


Guy in the chair 🤓: thanks for ignoring my question 🙄

Guy in the chair 🤓: wait-

Guy in the chair 🤓: WAIT WHAT?

pickle Parker 😜: AND U REALIZED JUST NOW???

Guy in the chair 🤓: talk to her, DONT PASS UP THE OPPORTUNITY! and if she's a bratty brat brat, then I'm sorry bro you'll find one dw

Pickle Parker 😜: "bratty brat brat" ???

Pickle Parker 😜: anyways ok thanks bro, wait the train stopped and the woman next to her left, maybe I can sit next to her?

Guy in the chair 🤓: WHY TF ARE U ASKING??

pickle Parker 😜: ok ok jeez 😂I'll update you later

Ok Peter you got this, I turned off my music so I can focus more, and just went for it. She was also listening to music while reading a book, annnnnd I went for it, I WENT FOR IT HOLY MOTHER OF-

y/n POV

I was peacefully reading while listening to my music when i suddenly felt a presence beside me, I turned to my left and saw him...YES HIM OH GOOD LORD HES SITTING NEXT ME LOOKING NERVOUS AS HELL AWWW, wait why is he nervous? IS IT BECAUSE OF ME? OMG OMG

"h-hey" the boy said nervously, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck

"Hi!" Oh my god Why am I screaming! y/n stop keep it down a notch!

"Are you new here? Coz I've never seen you in this train before" the boy said, not looking in my eyes, clearly his nerves are still eating him up which made me laugh a bit

"Yeah I am" i said "I'm y/ the way" I extended my hand awkwardly

"P-Peter, Peter Parker" he shook my hand, Peter huh? It suits him, there was a moment of awkward silence not knowing what to talk about, but then Peter interrupted the silence by asking:

"So which grade are you in?...not trying to be creepy or anything you just look-"

"Grade 10" I replied laughing a bit, trying to stop his rambling

"Oh, uh me too!" He said, a little bit more confident now and..relieved? He's probably happy that we're in the same grade

"Which school do you go to?" He asks another question.

"Oh ummm.." I say, kinda nervous he'll leave me for what I'm about to say "it's uhh midtown.." I say, now I getting nervous. His facial expressions were unreadable, oh no he's probably gonna ditch me for being a nerd.

"REALLY? I uh mean really? Me too!" he beams, so the hot cute guy is also a genius?

"So I'll see you more often then?" I smirk

"y-yeah yeah hopefully" he blushes, I made him blush!! Ugh he's so cute

"what we're you listening to?" Peter asks trying to hide his blush

"oh 'left hand free' by alt-j" I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"And she keeps getting better and better" he whispered hanging his head low

"What?" I ask smiling, knowing exactly what he said

"Oh uhh nothing, I just know we're gonna be great friends" he says smiling at me, and

Oh what an understatement that was...

OKKK THAT WAS MY FIRST IMAGINE I have a lot of ideas and I can't wait to publish them, I'm thinking of doing YouTube and TikTok ones as well so if you have any ideas just text me!

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