There's this boy...

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Y/n loves having late night conversation with our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man even though she hasn't seen his face yet they were pretty close, one day they asked eachother if they have a crush on anyone and y/n said it was her best friend but what she didn't know is that she's talking to him all along

Pairing: Peter x fem!reader

Status: bestiessss

"So you have a crush on anyone?" Spider-Man asked me, yes I know Spider-Man and we've become really close these past few weeks, it all started when I was sitting on the roof of my building looking at the stars to calm myself down from the exams I was gonna take, and surprisingly Spider-Man saw me and asked if I was ok

after that our interaction blossomed to a beautiful friendship, I still don't know his secret identity but he says it's because he's protecting me.

"Oh uhhh yeah" I looked down contemplating whether to tell him about my secret crush on my best friend for 2 years now

"Really? Who is it" he sounded a bit...disappointed

"Oh uhm I'll tell you if you tell me yours?" I said looking at him cheekily

"It's you" he whispered but I couldn't hear it

"What?" I said confused

"Oh Um it's my best friend" he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck

"Oh you have a best friend? I thought I was the only friend you had" I said fake offended And he punched me jokingly

"Shut up" he laughs "she doesn't know I'm Spider-Man but I really like her and I think she likes someone else" he looked at you, you could tell by the mask that his eyes were droopy and his body stiffened

"Ironically, it's my best friends too" I told him looking at the sky, his eyes widened

"What?" He spat looking at me, nervously

"Yeah? My best friend" I confirmed confused by how he handled it

"w-which one?" I looked at him like he was crazy

"I only have one best friend, I mean Ned and mj are really close as well but I don't know why I fully trust Pete to another level than others"

"Wait- so you have a crush on Peter?" His eyes widened even more if that could even happen

"Y-yeah" I said sheepishly "I've never confessed it out loud, and I always wanted to tell him but I think he has a crush on a senior called Liz, I mean I get it, she's really pretty, and smart.....and rich, while I'm just a nobody who gets crazy the moment she gets comfortable with you, like seriously I don't think anyone saw me crazy the way Peter does, everybody thinks I'm a shy girl but Peter knows the real me so maybe that's why he doesn't like me, he may think my crazy side is too much or worse he may think I'm like a...sister to him" i said looking down tears daring to escape my eyes any minute now, emotional, I know I know, pathetic

I looked up at Spider-Man since he hasn't said a word after my stupid rant but when we locked eyes he lifted his mask till his nose, I thought he just wanted to eat his sandwich, but he didn't grab his delicious deli sandwich, instead...he grabbed me 😂

and....kissed me, he felt safe, tasted sweet, he leaned in more deepening the kiss and gripped my waist tighter, I almost went to straddle his lap but then remembered...Peter

he's not Peter, he's not the boy I've fell in love with, I pulled away and I could tell he was sad about it

"I like you" he whispered hovering my lips, I wanted to say I liked him too but I loved someone else, if I didn't feel this pain and guilt in me for kissing someone other than Peter, even if we haven't kissed at all, I would have kissed him again and again

"I'm sorry spidey, but, you're not Peter" he looked at me confused then chuckled lightly

"Y/n, please don't freak out after I do this" he whispered , lifting his mask further, and I widened my eyes, was he seriously about to reveal his identity to me so I can stay with him?

I turned around, not wanting to see the real him, it felt weird

"You can look you know" he chuckled, I turned around slowly but as soon as I saw his strangely familiar brown locks I turned away, but then it hit me

"Please tell me I didn't just confess my feelings to the person I've been in love with for 2 years by accident" I blurted out, squinted my eyes, and he chuckled again, he caressed my jaw turning me around and that's when I saw him, the all too familiar curly brown hair, his lightly freckled skin, and his soft pink lips

"Hey" he whispered leaning in closer like last time

"Hi" I whispered back and our lips collided for the second time tonight, but the difference is I wanted more and needed more

We both smiled to the kiss, not wanting to let go of eachother, his grip on my waist lowered, so he could carry me, and so I straddled his lap and tugged his curls which caused him to groan, after a few seconds we pulled away for air.

"So, Spider-Man, huh?" I smirked titltong my head

"Of all the reactions I'd thought you'd make, this is the one your using?" He laughed making trails of kisses down to my neck

"Well, I expected myself to be mad but I guess I'm not" I giggled "I'm just glad that the person I love and the 'celebrity superhero crush' I had were the same person" I laughed shaking my head

"'Celebrity superhero crush?" He smiled

"Oh don't start that now, just kiss me, dumbass" you jokingly slapped his head

"I-I love you too, by the way" he said suddenly getting all nervous "I liked that I could talk to you all day long, from picking you up in the morning, to going to school, to doing homework's and watching movies with the Ned and mj, and also talking to you before I go to bed, I never realized how much I need you everyday until you said you liked somebody else, at that time, I thought you meant some random boy and if 'he' liked you too, we wouldn't spend as much time together" his voice broke

I looked at him lovingly, I didn't like when Peter got sad or reacted in a negative way it broke me

"Well, be grateful that I chose you and not some random basket ball player" I said cheering him up

"I love you" I kissed him

" I love you too" he mumbled in my lips causing me to laugh "what?" He laughed

"dating you's gonna be fun"

Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now