Post-studying cuddle sessions

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this is for all my hard-working babies that seek comfort after a hard studying session. coz i know studying can suck sometimes :/ 

Pairing Peter Parker x fem!reader 

Genre: comfort II fluff II mini one-shot

Disclaimer:  reader not getting enough sleep (</3) II over-working II YOU HAVE A MOM NAMED ANNE

                                                I put my pen down as I hear my mom call my name, downstairs. 

"be there in a second!" I shout and slowly push my chair out of the desk that I sat down in for supposedly the whole day due to my chemistry exam tomorrow. stretching my tense muscles, I walk downstairs. "yes?" I said, putting a hand over my mouth as I sigh tiredly. concern stretched across my mom's face as she saw how exhausted I was from calculating Redox Reaction and moles - fuck moles.

"someone's here for you" she said, smiling warmly while nodding her head forward, a signal for me to look behind me. a gasp escapes my lips as I see my boyfriend, Peter, sitting on the couch with a cheesy grin. 

he looked like the most comfortable pillow I've ever seen. he was wearing his matching set of a grey hoodie and sweats, I assumed he put his shoes in the entryway since he was wearing his favorite pair of Star-Wars socks I've gifted him for his 15th birthday (which he still thanks me till this day),  his hair looked so pretty. with the light that was cast by my living room lamp, it was like a mixture of chestnut brown and tiny golden strands that highlighted his curls. 

he was in the middle of standing up, to greet me with his infamous solace and warm hugs, but I beat him to it and flopped him on the couch again. erupting a laugh from both him and my mom. my mother smiled again and walked to the kitchen, giving us privacy. 

peter immediately wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. his familiar smell of fresh oak wood cologne - that he would not stop putting on coz Tony Stark gifted it to him - hit my nose, making me sigh in content. 

"hey babe" he lowered his head to nuzzle his face and kiss my hair. "how are you?" he lifted my sleep deprived body so I could sit on his lap - which still makes his ears and cheeks turn to an adorable shade of pink - and tilted his head. I shrugged, closing my eyes lazily. he hugged me once again and whispered, "I know. I know, baby." one of his calloused hand rubbed my back while the other held my waist securely. "if you need help, I'm here" he smiled, admiring my, tired, features. I nodded my head, eyes still closed as I enjoy the warmth of his body next to mine. 

"I needed this" I sighed for the 23993th time today. peter's beautiful smile soon faded to a pout. it broke his heart to see me so exhausted. 

"oh, y/n," he gently kissed my nose then pecked my lips. simple yet so healing. humming in delight, I moved forward for more. with no thought on his mind he reciprocated. 

"I really gotta go" I mumbled on his lips before pulling away. "I just have 2 more chapters to study then I'll-"

"uh uh uh" he shook his head, "Miss Anne called me and said you haven't been giving time to yourself. baby, we talked about this" his tone was sweet and full of concern it made my heart clench. 

"i know! i know its jus-" i huffed loudly "chemistry's been up my ass the past whole week" i felt overwhelmed, sad and really really tired, but i wanted to get it over with. 

"let me help you then! you dont have to do this alone, y/n/n" peter craddled my head to his warm chest, gently combing my y/h/c hair with his fingers.i let out a noise which peter took as an 'okay' knowing i'd bruise my ego way too much if i actually said the words 'yes please'. 

peter chuckled, shaking his head. "why dont we rest up before getting some studying done, yeah? and when we're done we can just lie down till my curfews up? or watch a movie?" i felt...i felt like the luckiest girl alive. there was this ecstatic fuzzy chemical feeling tickling my stomach. i was smiling so whole-heartedly, and genuinely to the point where it made peter's cheeks crimson. "y/n-?"

"yes" i held his hand "let's do it" without wasting another second, i'm being thrown onto his shoulder. it's a very common thing nowadays. "peter!" i squealed, 

"let's go!" he exclaimed  walking up the steps to my room "y/n wants my heeelp" he said in a teasing tone. i groaned, causing him to snicker, and flung my arms in defeat, making them swing from side to side since im being carried upside down. 

"you know, i think im okay by myself now." i grumbled as he flopped me on my bed, spreading my legs before attacking me with his weight. his body fit right in between me perfectly, like a puzzle piece. i love it when he does that, it allows me to hug my legs around his middle and squeeze the shit out of him. he turned us to the side and scooted upwards, making us at eye level. 

"im sorry, baby, i was just joking" he lifted his head to kiss my nose ever so softly before saying, "what do you want me to do?" he whispered. his eyes flickering from my eyes to lips every once in a while. "a massage? shower? food? i could order delmars-"

"just you" i blurted out, stroking his face. 

"w-what?" he asked as if he didn't know what i mean. but i know damn well he understood because of the ever growing smile that decorated his pretty face, i could practically feel his heartbeat quickening  as well. 

"just you is enough" i threw my arms around him and hugged him tight.  

"a-are you sure you dont want anything?" he took my right leg and hooked it around his torso - a position i grew very fond of - making me turn to his side even more to deepen the cuddle. 

"no," i sniffled. suddenly feeling like a cloud full of tiny rain droplets that's about to burst one hell of a rain "this is perfect." he gripped me somehow even closer than before, kissed my hair one last time and breathed out an,

"i got you, y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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